St Catherine’s Roman Catholic School in Bridport, Dorset, underwent an inspection on 7 and 8 June 2023, resulting in an overall effectiveness rating of Requires Improvement. The quality of education was also rated as Requires Improvement, while behaviour and attitudes, as well as personal development, were rated as Good. Leadership and management, along with early years provision, were similarly rated as Requires Improvement. The school has a history of needing improvement, as indicated by its previous inspection grade.
The school is described as welcoming and caring, with leaders prioritizing the best interests of pupils in their decision-making. Pupils are encouraged to be resilient and strive for success, and they appreciate the support from staff. However, the report highlights inconsistencies in the quality of education across different classes and subjects, indicating that while improvements have been made, further work is necessary.
Pupils, including those in early years, look forward to attending school and generally exhibit respectful behaviour towards one another and staff. Incidents of unkindness are rare, and when they occur, leaders address them constructively. Children in Reception Year quickly adapt to established routines and engage positively with their peers.
The school has enhanced its extracurricular offerings, including residential trips and clubs, which pupils value. Many students aspire to join the chaplaincy GIFT team, a privilege available to them in Year 5. Leaders express pride in the school and have garnered the trust of the community. The headteacher has led significant improvements since the last inspection, benefiting pupils in various areas. However, inconsistencies in educational quality persist, and leaders need to take more effective actions to address these issues.
The curriculum is broad, with teachers collaborating on planning and focusing on essential knowledge. Communication and language development are emphasized, but some subjects lack detailed planning. While staff conduct checks on pupils' knowledge, the use of assessment is not consistent across subjects, leading to missed opportunities to address misconceptions in teaching.
Pupils with special educational needs and disabilities receive adequate support, with leaders providing essential information to staff for effective planning. Children begin learning to read in Reception Year through a structured phonics curriculum, but the teaching of phonics lacks precision, resulting in some lost learning time. Relationships between staff and early years children are positive, and a balance of free choice and adult-led activities is maintained, although curriculum planning does not always align with children's developmental stages.
The curriculum promotes pupils' personal development and physical activity, with initiatives like forest school and the daily mile. Leaders recognize the need for additional support for some pupils dealing with anxiety, providing resources like a 'time to talk' club. Pupils demonstrate an understanding of fundamental British values and engage in school celebrations for significant events.
Staff enjoy working at St Catherine’s, describing a supportive environment. While there are opportunities for professional development, the sharing of expertise could be improved. Parents generally express positive views about the school and appreciate the improvements made, although some suggest that communication could be enhanced.
The safeguarding arrangements are effective, with staff trained to report concerns confidently. Leaders act swiftly to ensure pupil safety, collaborating with parents and external services as needed. Pupils are aware of potential risks, including online safety, and feel secure in discussing concerns with trusted adults.
To improve, the school needs to enhance curriculum planning to ensure that core knowledge is detailed and communicated effectively to teachers. Assessment practices should be refined to better identify misconceptions and track pupil progress. Leaders must also develop a clearer understanding of curriculum implementation to address any persistent weaknesses in educational quality.