St Joseph’s Catholic Primary School in Newton Abbot, Devon, was inspected on December 6 and 7, 2023. The overall effectiveness of the school is rated as requiring improvement, along with the quality of education, personal development, leadership and management, and early years provision. The head of the school is Sarah Pascoe, and it operates under the Plymouth Cast multi-academy trust, led by CEO Zoe Batten and overseen by a board of trustees chaired by Elizabeth Ruth O’Donovan. The executive headteacher, Nichola Day, is responsible for the school.
Pupils express pride in their school, feeling safe and welcomed. Parents and carers appreciate the strong relationships that staff build with their children. The school community is ambitious for pupil success, but the quality of education does not consistently reflect this ambition. Pupils have opportunities to engage in various roles, such as school chaplains and play leaders, which help build their confidence. Older pupils act as role models, promoting fairness and responsibility.
The school offers a range of experiences, including visits to local museums and retirement homes, fostering a sense of community. Pupils understand the importance of safety, both online and in their community, and feel confident in approaching trusted adults with concerns. The new leadership team is addressing the challenges faced by the school, focusing on developing a well-sequenced curriculum and employing staff who share a vision for pupil success.
The reading curriculum is well-established, and pupils enjoy reading a variety of books. The school effectively teaches phonics, leading to improved outcomes in Year 1. However, some staff do not consistently model the agreed reading strategies, limiting pupils' fluency and accuracy. The curriculum meets national requirements and is adapted to the local community, but some staff lack the necessary subject knowledge to teach effectively. In mathematics, for instance, learning is not always checked or adapted to ensure pupils grasp key concepts before moving on.
Pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities are identified early, and the school collaborates with families to set personalized targets. However, the implementation of these targets varies based on staff expertise, leading to inconsistent outcomes for some pupils. Staff maintain high expectations for behavior, resulting in a calm school environment where pupils exhibit positive attitudes toward learning. The school’s values emphasize compassion and forgiveness, but pupils have a limited understanding of fundamental British values, which affects their preparedness for life in modern Britain.
In the early years, children receive a warm welcome, and the school works proactively with external nurseries to understand children before they start. However, staff have not fully considered how to support the development of communication and language skills, which affects the depth of understanding in teaching and activities. The trust is committed to improving attendance, and recent efforts have led to improvements in this area.
Governors understand the school’s strengths and areas for development, recognizing the efforts of staff and leaders in addressing historical challenges. Staff feel supported in managing their workload and well-being. The safeguarding arrangements are effective, ensuring a safe environment for pupils. To improve, the school needs to enhance the use of assessment information to adapt the curriculum, ensure all staff have the necessary subject knowledge, and develop pupils' understanding of British values to better prepare them for modern society.