Thomas Walling Primary Academy, located in Blakelaw, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, has undergone a significant transformation since its previous inspection, which identified serious weaknesses. The recent inspection, conducted in May 2021, rated the school as good across all areas, including overall effectiveness, quality of education, behaviour and attitudes, personal development, leadership and management, and early years provision. This improvement reflects the dedication of the school leaders and staff to provide a high-quality education for all pupils.
Pupils express pride in their school, describing it as warm and welcoming. They demonstrate politeness and good manners, responding positively to the high expectations set by school leaders regarding hard work and respect. Opportunities for pupils to take on roles and responsibilities, such as being part of the school council or serving as Friendship Ambassadors, are embraced enthusiastically. The curriculum is reported to be interesting, with pupils retaining important knowledge and facts over time.
Behaviour in the school is commendable, with pupils behaving well in lessons and throughout the school environment. They are aware of the procedures in place for addressing bullying, which they report is infrequent. The implementation of 'worry jars' in classrooms allows pupils to share concerns with adults, fostering a trusting relationship with staff who are committed to addressing any issues fairly and promptly.
The school promotes the development of essential skills through its 'skills builder' values, which include teamwork, positivity, listening, creativity, and leadership. Staff serve as strong role models in these areas, contributing to a positive learning environment. Parents and carers largely appreciate the support provided to their children, particularly those with special educational needs and disabilities.
Leaders at Thomas Walling Primary Academy are determined to deliver the best possible education. They have crafted a coherent and well-planned curriculum that sets high expectations for all pupils. Professional development for staff has been prioritized, resulting in a solid understanding of educational research and effective teaching practices. The curriculum is designed to help pupils remember key concepts, and leaders have established robust assessment methods in core subjects like English, mathematics, and science.
The teaching of phonics and reading has become a strength of the curriculum, with children receiving a solid foundation in reading from the Reception year. Systems are in place to identify pupils who may be falling behind, allowing for timely interventions to support their progress. The inviting reading areas throughout the school encourage a love of reading, with pupils actively discussing their favorite books and authors.
In early years provision, staff create a safe and engaging learning environment that supports children's development in reading, writing, and mathematics through real-life contexts. The curriculum is adapted to meet the needs of pupils with special educational needs, ensuring they receive targeted support.
While the school excels in many areas, there are opportunities for improvement. Pupils demonstrate an understanding of tolerance and respect but struggle to articulate their knowledge of equalities and protected characteristics. Leaders are encouraged to enhance the curriculum to address these gaps. Additionally, while assessment practices are strong in core subjects, there is a need to establish similar measures in foundation subjects to ensure comprehensive tracking of pupil progress.
Overall, Thomas Walling Primary Academy has made commendable strides in improving its educational offerings, fostering a positive environment for learning, and ensuring the well-being of its pupils. The commitment of leaders, staff, and the wider school community is evident in the positive outcomes observed during the inspection.