Buckingham Primary Academy, located in Hull, has shown significant improvement since its last inspection in July 2017, where it was rated as requiring improvement. The recent inspection in November 2019 resulted in an overall effectiveness rating of good across all areas, including the quality of education, behavior and attitudes, personal development, leadership and management, and early years provision. The school has made commendable strides in enhancing the educational experience for its pupils, with leaders and staff demonstrating a strong commitment to fostering a positive learning environment.
The school is characterized by warm and caring relationships between teachers and pupils, contributing to a happy and engaging atmosphere. Pupils express enjoyment in their learning and feel safe within the school environment. Instances of bullying are rare, and pupils are aware of whom to approach if they have concerns. The school promotes a culture of safety, including guidance on internet and social media use. Parents and carers have expressed high levels of satisfaction with the support their children receive, and pupils benefit from a variety of extracurricular activities, including sports and clubs.
The curriculum at Buckingham Primary Academy is ambitious and well-structured, with a focus on ensuring that pupils learn and remember key concepts effectively. Teachers collaborate with leaders to plan lessons that build on prior knowledge, and there is a strong emphasis on revisiting previously learned material. This approach is evident in subjects such as mathematics, where activities are designed to reinforce learning. The school has prioritized reading, implementing a structured approach that encourages a love for literature among pupils. Daily phonics sessions in early years help children develop essential reading skills, and additional support is provided for those who may struggle.
While the school has made significant progress, there are areas for further development. Some gaps in knowledge remain, particularly in key stage two, due to weaker teaching in the past. However, current teaching practices are much stronger, and efforts are being made to address these gaps. The assessment systems in place are effective for core subjects like reading, writing, and mathematics, but there is a need for refinement in science and other non-core subjects to ensure that teachers have a clear understanding of what pupils have learned.
The leadership team, including the principal and vice-principal, is dedicated to maintaining a calm and inclusive school environment. Staff feel supported in their roles, and governors actively contribute to the school's development. The school also effectively supports pupils with special educational needs and disabilities, ensuring that all students can participate in school activities.
Overall, Buckingham Primary Academy has established itself as a good school, with a strong curriculum and a commitment to pupil well-being. The school is well-positioned to continue its trajectory of improvement, with ongoing efforts to enhance teaching practices and assessment methods. The positive feedback from parents and the evident enthusiasm of pupils highlight the school's success in creating a nurturing and effective educational environment.