St John's Church of England Primary Academy in Wednesbury, West Midlands, was inspected on 14 and 15 February 2023, and received an overall effectiveness rating of good. The school is characterized by a warm and welcoming atmosphere, where both staff and pupils exhibit a strong sense of pastoral care that aligns with the school's Christian values. Leaders emphasize the importance of teaching pupils to be responsible and caring citizens, exemplified by initiatives such as a community fridge and food shelves for families, as well as pupils donating food to local food banks during harvest time.
The school environment is calm and orderly, fostering a conducive learning atmosphere. Teachers enforce school rules while providing support to pupils who may struggle with behavior management. Pupils express enjoyment in their school experience and report feeling safe, with effective measures in place to address any incidents of bullying. High expectations from leaders encourage pupils to achieve well, and they take pride in their accomplishments.
St John's offers a variety of extracurricular activities, including sports clubs and school council participation, which pupils engage in enthusiastically. Leaders have carefully considered the curriculum, making improvements in how subjects are planned and delivered, particularly in English, mathematics, and science. Teachers demonstrate secure subject knowledge, allowing pupils to build on their learning effectively. However, there are areas for improvement, particularly in geography and history, where the clarity of learning objectives could be enhanced. Some subject leaders are still developing their skills, leading to variability in subject knowledge among teachers.
The school's focus on reading is commendable, with a structured reading program that begins in Reception. Adults effectively engage children with various stories, fostering a love for reading early on. Regular library visits further encourage pupils to explore literature. The consistent approach to teaching literacy and numeracy in Reception prepares children well for their subsequent learning.
Leaders provide good support for pupils with special educational needs and disabilities, ensuring they have access to a broad curriculum alongside their peers. However, the specificity of support outlined in individual provision plans could be improved to better guide staff in meeting the needs of these pupils. Attendance monitoring is proactive, with leaders taking swift action to address issues, although there remains work to be done to improve overall attendance rates.
Pupils have opportunities to engage with the local community and learn about diverse cultures and faiths, preparing them for life in modern Britain. Recent leadership changes have infused the school with energy and a commitment to continuous improvement, with staff expressing appreciation for the support they receive from leaders.
The safeguarding arrangements at St John's are effective, with staff trained to recognize and report concerns. Pupils are educated on safety, particularly in online environments, contributing to their sense of security. The inspection highlighted areas for further development, including enhancing subject leadership training and refining SEND provision plans to ensure all pupils receive the necessary support for their learning. Overall, St John's Church of England Primary Academy is a school that demonstrates a strong commitment to the well-being and academic success of its pupils.