Anfield Road Primary School, located in Liverpool, has recently undergone an inspection on the 1st and 2nd of October 2024. The school has been rated as good in several key areas, including the quality of education, behaviour and attitudes, personal development, and leadership and management. However, the early years provision has been identified as requiring improvement. The school previously received a good rating in its last inspection in July 2019.
Pupils at Anfield Road Primary School are reported to be happy and thrive in a calm and nurturing environment. The school fosters a welcoming atmosphere, particularly for the large number of pupils who join from overseas, ensuring they feel included in the school community. The pupils take pride in their school and demonstrate good conduct. From the early years, children quickly adapt to routines and meet the high behavioural standards set by the school.
The school has made significant strides in improving academic outcomes following low results at the end of key stage two in 2023. Current improvements are evident, with pupils achieving better standards across the curriculum. However, the promotion of language in the early years is inconsistent, affecting its overall effectiveness. The school offers a variety of extracurricular activities, including boxing, jewellery making, and football, which help develop pupils' talents and interests. Older pupils are encouraged to take on leadership roles, fostering confidence and a sense of community.
Despite the improvements, the school acknowledges that some subjects are still in the early stages of development, particularly in the early years. Gaps in pupils' understanding are not always identified effectively, which can hinder their learning. While staff have received training in phonics, there remains a lack of consistency in developing early language and communication skills, particularly for children with significant language needs. In the Reception Year, children are more successful in building knowledge of letters and sounds, which aids their reading skills in key stage one.
The school has established clear arrangements to identify additional needs among pupils, including those with special educational needs and disabilities. Staff make appropriate adaptations to support these pupils in accessing learning. Behaviour in the school is commendable, with no disruptions to learning, and pupils are supportive and respectful towards one another.
Although persistent absence remains a challenge for some pupils, the school is proactive in understanding the reasons behind these absences and works diligently to encourage regular attendance. The innovative approach of making school unmissable is positively impacting attendance rates. The new personal, social, health, and economic education curriculum is raising expectations for pupils' personal development, equipping them with a strong understanding of equality and healthy relationships.
Governors are well-informed about the school's progress and the steps taken to improve the curriculum and attendance. However, they need to enhance their scrutiny of the effectiveness of pupil premium funding to ensure it has the desired impact on disadvantaged pupils. Staff report feeling well-supported, with access to professional development and additional time to manage their responsibilities, which helps alleviate their workload.
The safeguarding arrangements at Anfield Road Primary School are effective, ensuring a safe environment for all pupils. To further improve, the school needs to strengthen the assessment arrangements in a few subjects, particularly in the early years, to better identify gaps in pupils' knowledge. Additionally, there is a need to provide more opportunities for children in the Nursery Year to develop their communication and language skills effectively. The school should also ensure that the use of pupil premium funding is closely monitored to maximize its impact on disadvantaged pupils' attainment.
Overall, Anfield Road Primary School is making commendable progress in various areas, with a strong commitment to improving educational outcomes and fostering a supportive community for its pupils. The school is on a positive trajectory, with clear steps identified for further enhancement in the coming years.