Finch Woods Academy, located in Halewood, Liverpool, underwent an inspection from October 4 to 6, 2023, resulting in an overall effectiveness rating of inadequate. The quality of education, behavior and attitudes, and personal development were all rated as requiring improvement, while leadership and management were deemed inadequate. The school, which serves pupils with special educational needs and disabilities, has seen a decline in educational quality since its previous inspection, which rated it as good.
The headteacher, Laura Dickinson, is supported by the Manor Hall Academy Trust, which includes an executive headteacher and a board of trustees. The inspection revealed that pupils have varied experiences, with some forming positive relationships with staff and feeling safe, while others struggle to engage and often feel their needs are unmet. The curriculum does not adequately cater to all pupils, leading to disparities in academic success and preparation for future educational steps.
The behavior policy has shown some success in raising expectations, but disruptions in lessons persist, affecting the learning environment. Some pupils experience derogatory language, which further complicates their school experience. Although the school offers a pledge for wider development opportunities, access to these experiences is inconsistent among pupils.
The decline in educational quality is attributed to a lack of accountability and confusion regarding roles within the leadership structure. This has resulted in uneven access to education, with some pupils achieving well while others do not. Staffing instability has exacerbated these issues, and the governing body has not acted swiftly enough to address the decline.
The curriculum in key stage two is appropriately broad and ambitious, but this is not mirrored in key stages three and four, where clarity on curriculum decisions and qualification routes is lacking. Teachers demonstrate strong subject knowledge but often lack guidance on curriculum delivery, hindering older pupils' learning.
While the school has prioritized reading, with dedicated time for all pupils, gaps in older pupils' reading knowledge remain unaddressed. The assessment of additional needs is appropriate, but some staff lack the training to effectively adapt teaching methods for diverse learning needs.
Recent improvements in behavior management have shown early signs of positive impact, yet inconsistencies in staff adherence to new systems persist. Attendance rates remain a concern, particularly among disadvantaged pupils, negatively affecting their achievement and personal development.
The school has designed a program to promote personal development, but not all pupils benefit equally from these opportunities. Communication with parents has historically been weak, though recent efforts have yielded some positive feedback. Staff have expressed appreciation for attempts to engage them in addressing leadership weaknesses, but feelings of mistrust and unease remain prevalent.
The safeguarding arrangements are effective, ensuring pupil safety. However, significant improvements are needed across various areas, including curriculum design, attendance promotion, and behavior management, to ensure all pupils have equitable access to quality education and personal development opportunities. The school must take decisive action to address these shortcomings and foster an environment where all pupils can thrive.