Whitefriars School, located in Wealdstone, Harrow, has recently undergone an inspection on March 13 and 14, 2024, resulting in an overall effectiveness rating of Good. The school, which is part of the Heathland Whitefriars Federation, is led by headteacher Pritam Vekaria and overseen by a board of directors chaired by Lynne Malzard. The previous inspection five years ago rated the school as Outstanding, reflecting a significant change in the school's performance under the current inspection framework.
The inspection highlighted that pupils are generally happy and feel safe in the school environment, which is described as calm and inclusive. The new leadership team has made considerable changes over the past year, establishing clear ambitions for the school and setting high standards. Staff expectations have risen, and pupils are responding positively to these challenges. The school fosters a sense of community, welcoming new pupils and ensuring they feel part of the school from the outset. Bullying is rare, and when it does occur, staff are quick to address it, contributing to a positive atmosphere.
The quality of education is rated as Good, with the leadership team focusing on improving the curriculum. However, it has been noted that the curriculum has not been sufficiently designed or implemented in the past, leading to lower outcomes for pupils. The leadership has made significant strides in aligning the curriculum with national expectations, ensuring that important concepts are well sequenced to build knowledge over time. For instance, in mathematics, there is a strong emphasis on securing calculation skills, which prepares pupils for more complex concepts. Nonetheless, there are instances, particularly in the secondary phase, where tasks do not align with the revised curriculum's ambitions, hindering knowledge retention.
In the early years, children, including those with special educational needs and disabilities, receive a strong start. The curriculum is well-structured, providing ample opportunities for learning and social development. Early reading is prioritized, with staff trained to support pupils effectively, ensuring that those who struggle receive additional help. The school has established effective systems to identify the needs of all pupils, allowing for tailored support.
Behaviour and attitudes are rated as Good, with pupils generally behaving well in lessons and during unstructured times. The school has implemented a robust behaviour strategy, particularly in the secondary phase, which has been well received by both staff and pupils. Attendance is improving due to strong support systems for those who struggle to attend regularly.
Personal development is also a focus, with the curriculum designed to address significant issues such as diversity and respect. The school has a comprehensive careers programme that prepares pupils for future education and employment opportunities. Leadership is effective, with leaders understanding the school's strengths and areas for improvement, fostering a positive work environment for staff.
Despite the overall positive findings, the inspection identified areas for improvement, particularly in ensuring that the knowledge pupils need to learn is clearly defined across the curriculum. This will help in aligning teaching and assessment more closely with learning objectives, addressing misconceptions, and ultimately enhancing pupil achievement. The school is committed to continuous improvement and has plans in place to address these challenges.