Woodford Halse Church of England Primary Academy is a primary school located in Northamptonshire, which has recently undergone an inspection. The inspection took place on November 12 and 13, 2019, and the overall effectiveness of the school was rated as good. The quality of education, behavior and attitudes, personal development, leadership and management, and early years provision were all assessed as good, indicating a positive environment for learning and development.
Pupils at the school express pride in their institution, demonstrating friendliness, politeness, and kindness. They enjoy their lessons and show a good standard of work. The behavior of pupils is commendable, and they understand the school's values, which promote being ready, resilient, and respectful. The staff's commitment to the pupils' success is evident, as they provide support when students encounter difficulties in their work. Pupils feel safe and are educated about potential risks and how to maintain their safety. They are aware of different types of bullying and report that incidents are rare, with staff responding promptly to any issues that arise.
The school offers a variety of opportunities for pupils to broaden their experiences, including forest school activities and educational trips. Pupils can participate in numerous clubs and activities outside of regular lesson time, and they hold positions of responsibility, learning to help others and improve their environment. However, it was noted that some subjects are not as well planned as others, which affects overall achievement across the curriculum.
Leaders at the school maintain high expectations for pupil achievement, and there is a general consensus among parents, carers, and pupils that the school is on an upward trajectory. The planning of pupils' learning has improved significantly, with a focus on sequencing and building on prior knowledge. Teachers ensure that pupils understand and retain information, as evidenced by their ability to recall previous learning in subjects like history and mathematics. Nonetheless, there are still some subjects where planning is not as robust, particularly in history.
Early reading is prioritized, with well-trained staff supporting younger pupils in learning phonics systematically. The enthusiasm for reading is shared among teachers and pupils alike, and additional help is provided for those who struggle. While most pupils read with accuracy and fluency, there are instances where the reading materials do not align perfectly with the phonics being taught, but leaders are addressing this by ordering new resources.
Pupils generally achieve well in mathematics and writing, although some subjects lack focused planning, which can hinder knowledge acquisition. Leaders are actively working to enhance this aspect of the curriculum and provide staff with the necessary support and training.
The behavior of pupils has improved significantly, and when disruptions occur, staff manage them effectively. The school's emphasis on personal development fosters a harmonious community where pupils understand the importance of making positive choices. Collaboration with parents of pupils with special educational needs is strong, ensuring that all pupils receive the support they need to thrive.
The headteacher and trustees have played a crucial role in the school's improvements, considering staff workload and well-being. Staff report high levels of job satisfaction and appreciate the training and support they receive.
The safeguarding arrangements at the school are effective, with staff committed to pupil safety and well-being. They receive regular training and maintain comprehensive records of safeguarding concerns, working with external agencies when necessary.
To further improve, the school should ensure that early readers are provided with books that match their phonics knowledge and continue to develop a coherent and sequenced curriculum across all subjects. The school is already taking steps to address these areas, demonstrating a commitment to ongoing improvement and excellence in education.