William de Yaxley Church of England Academy, located in Yaxley, Peterborough, has recently undergone an inspection on 18 and 19 October 2023, resulting in an overall effectiveness rating of good. This marks a significant improvement from its previous inspection, which rated the school as requiring improvement. The headteacher, Kay Corley, leads the school, which is part of The Diocese of Ely Multi-Academy Trust, overseen by CEO Adrian Ball and a board of trustees chaired by Helen Jackson.
Pupils at the academy demonstrate pride in their school community and exhibit a strong enthusiasm for learning. They adhere to the high expectations set by school leaders, arriving promptly and engaging in independent tasks at the start of the day. The school environment is calm and conducive to learning, with pupils showing respect and kindness towards one another. The school fosters a sense of responsibility among its students, encouraging them to contribute to charitable causes and ensuring that those with special educational needs and disabilities are fully included in all aspects of school life.
The emotional well-being of pupils is supported by well-trained staff, and students know whom to approach with concerns. Older pupils take their roles as buddies seriously, providing support to younger students. Achievements are regularly celebrated, fostering positive attitudes towards learning and encouraging pupils to strive for their best.
The school has a clear focus on delivering a broad and ambitious curriculum. Curriculum plans outline what pupils will learn from Year 3 to Year 6, and teachers effectively utilize these plans to ensure that key knowledge and vocabulary are well understood. In lessons, teachers actively check for understanding and provide timely feedback, helping to address any misconceptions. Pupils enjoy participating in end-of-unit quizzes to assess their learning, although there are areas where retention of knowledge could be improved. In some subjects still under development, pupils do not consistently revisit prior learning, which affects their ability to apply knowledge in new contexts.
Teachers who are confident in their subject knowledge successfully adapt curriculum plans to meet the needs of their pupils. However, in instances where teachers feel less confident, they may not make necessary adjustments to lesson plans, which can hinder pupil achievement. The school prioritizes reading, encouraging pupils to apply their reading skills across the curriculum. Well-chosen books engage pupils and promote a love of reading, with support provided for those at early stages of reading to help them catch up with peers.
Pupils exhibit good behavior and a positive attitude towards school, leading to regular attendance and engagement in learning. The school promotes personal development through a well-structured curriculum and additional opportunities that benefit pupils in the long term. Pupils learn about online safety and financial literacy, while also participating in music lessons and taking on responsibilities that build their confidence and character. The school community is active in supporting local initiatives, such as food banks and environmental clean-ups.
Staff members appreciate the training and support they receive, which contributes to their professional development. Leaders ensure that staff benefit from a range of expertise within the trust, facilitating ongoing improvement. Trustees and governors are actively involved in the school, regularly visiting and engaging with pupils to understand their experiences. They hold school leaders accountable and monitor progress against priorities that serve the best interests of all pupils.
The safeguarding arrangements at the school are effective, ensuring a safe environment for all students. However, there are areas identified for improvement, particularly in providing more opportunities for pupils to practice and apply their learning consistently across subjects. Additionally, enhancing teachers' subject knowledge will further support the effective delivery of the curriculum. Overall, the school is making significant strides in its educational provision, creating a positive and inclusive environment for all pupils.