Ofsted conducted a monitoring inspection of Wednesfield Academy on June 19, 2024, following two successive judgments of requires improvement. The purpose of this inspection was to assess the progress made by the school since its last graded inspection. The inspection involved discussions with the headteacher, senior leaders, the chief executive officer of the trust, and members of the Academy Interim Board. The inspector also visited lessons across various subjects, met with curriculum leaders and groups of pupils, and reviewed documentation.
The findings indicate that while progress has been made, further work is necessary for the school to achieve a good rating. The school has recently joined the Matrix Academy Trust, and the new leadership team has significantly increased the capacity for ongoing improvement. The trust's ethos emphasizes placing pupils at the center of improvement planning, ensuring that the school has the right team and resources to drive forward. A successful recruitment drive has addressed subject specialisms effectively.
The new leadership team quickly identified weaknesses in curriculum design and implementation. Substantial investment has been made in creating an ambitious and well-sequenced curriculum across all subjects. Clear long-term, medium-term, and short-term planning has been established, ensuring that all pupils have access to the same high expectations. Teachers are now expected to adapt their lessons to meet the needs of all students, which has positively impacted support for pupils with special educational needs and disabilities. Pupils report feeling more engaged and part of the learning process.
Middle leaders have received support to develop their skills in overseeing the curriculum, and they understand what is required to ensure high-quality delivery. Monitoring and evaluation processes are in place to provide necessary information for improvement. The school has also prioritized reading, implementing appropriate programs for early readers, which has led to significant improvements in pupils' reading skills and confidence in other areas of learning. A literacy focus in Year 7 has been successful and will be expanded to all key stage 3 pupils in the next academic year.
Despite the progress, the school recognizes the need for further work in assessment practices to help pupils understand their areas for development and become more independent learners. Previous issues with poor behavior have been addressed through a comprehensive approach, resulting in a calmer school environment. Pupils report a positive change in their experiences, feeling safe and proud of their achievements. The introduction of a one-way system and a family lunchtime system has contributed to a more orderly atmosphere.
Efforts to improve attendance have been effective, with overall attendance now in line with national averages, including for pupils with special educational needs. The school is working to enhance attendance further among specific groups. Communication with parents has improved, with the establishment of a parent forum to ensure their voices are heard in the improvement process.
The leadership team is aware that the journey toward achieving a good judgment is ongoing and expresses confidence in their ability to reach this goal. The inspection highlights the positive changes made at Wednesfield Academy, emphasizing the commitment to continuous improvement and the importance of maintaining momentum in the school's development. The school community, including pupils and parents, is increasingly engaged in the improvement process, fostering a sense of ownership and pride in the school's progress.