Delabole Primary School, located in Cornwall, has been recognized as a good school following its inspection on March 28, 2023. The leadership team at Delabole Primary School demonstrates high expectations and ambition for all pupils, fostering an environment where students can thrive. The curriculum is designed to be engaging and encourages curiosity about the world, with a strong emphasis on developing resilience and essential skills for lifelong learning. Pupils are well-prepared for their future beyond primary education, as the school focuses on nurturing the whole child, promoting positive contributions to society, and developing leadership skills.
The school council, known as The Tribe, allows pupils to take on responsibilities and support their peers during playtimes, enhancing their sense of community and belonging. Pastoral care and mental health support are notable strengths, ensuring that pupils feel safe and secure. The school effectively addresses bullying, with pupils confident in reporting any issues to trusted adults. Educational visits, including residential trips, are highly valued by students, contributing to their overall learning experience.
Delabole Primary School's curriculum is equitable and considers the diverse starting points of all pupils, including those with special educational needs and disabilities. Staff are well-trained to support these pupils, ensuring they can engage with the same learning as their peers. The curriculum is ambitious and well-structured, allowing pupils to build knowledge progressively from early years through to Year 6. Teachers possess strong subject knowledge, and pupils often express their learning with enthusiasm and confidence.
While the curriculum is generally effective, there are areas for improvement in the quality of teaching across all subjects. Some teaching activities do not consistently help pupils secure essential knowledge, indicating a need for further development in pedagogical approaches. Reading is prioritized, with early years pupils mastering phonics through high-quality instruction and well-matched reading materials. This focus on reading fosters a love for literature, as evidenced by older pupils' pride in their reading journals.
The school environment is calm and purposeful, with low levels of disruption. Staff consistently apply the school's behavior management strategies, contributing to a positive atmosphere conducive to learning. Pupils are articulate and polite, demonstrating maturity in discussions about sensitive topics. The school actively promotes understanding and respect for diversity, equipping pupils with the knowledge to stay safe, including online safety.
Delabole Primary School excels in personal and pastoral development, fostering kindness, resilience, and thoughtfulness among pupils. Support for disadvantaged students is robust, with leaders working to broaden horizons and raise aspirations. While most parents express satisfaction with the school's support and safety, some concerns about communication with families have been acknowledged by leaders.
The safeguarding arrangements are effective, with staff receiving high-quality training to identify and address pupils' needs promptly. Leaders collaborate with external agencies to provide necessary support for families. Pupils are educated on health and safety, reinforcing the importance of communicating concerns to trusted adults.
To enhance the quality of education further, leaders should focus on ensuring that teaching consistently enables pupils to learn important content effectively. This includes developing staff understanding of effective pedagogical practices to deepen pupils' knowledge across all subjects. Overall, Delabole Primary School continues to provide a supportive and enriching educational experience for its pupils.