Ofsted conducted a monitoring inspection of Wicklea Academy on October 6, 2022, following two successive judgments of requires improvement. The inspection aimed to assess the progress made by the school since its last graded inspection. The findings indicate that while some progress has been made, significant work remains to elevate the school to a good standard.
During the inspection, discussions were held with the head of school, senior leaders, the CEO of the multi-academy trust, local academy board members, and staff regarding the actions taken to improve the school. The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic was also considered. The inspector visited lessons, reviewed pupils' work, and scrutinized school documents, including the school improvement plan.
Wicklea Academy continues to require improvement. Leaders have made strides in addressing previous weaknesses, particularly in phonics instruction. A new phonics teaching approach has been implemented, with all staff trained, leading to increased effectiveness. Pupils needing to catch up in reading now receive explicit phonics instruction, which is enhancing their reading fluency and spelling accuracy. However, weaknesses remain in the content and implementation of other aspects of the reading curriculum.
Efforts to revamp the wider curriculum are underway, but progress is slow. Leaders are beginning to upgrade the design technology and music curriculums, yet some intended changes are not yet reflected in the teaching pupils receive. While pupils express positivity about their learning and retain much of what they have been taught, there is a noticeable disparity in the depth of learning across different subjects.
Leaders have successfully raised expectations for Year 6 pupils, but in other year groups, expectations remain too low. The strategic oversight of curriculum quality by senior leaders is not yet sufficiently robust. Staff report positively on the additional support they receive, including participation in network meetings and collaboration with staff from other schools within the multi-academy trust. However, the local academy council's oversight lacks sufficient rigor, which limits the breadth and accuracy of the information provided to trustees.
The inspection highlights the need for further action to ensure that the school's approach to setting expectations allows all pupils to achieve ambitious curriculum goals over time. Additionally, leaders must provide staff with the necessary training to adapt their teaching consistently, building on what pupils need to know next.
In summary, while Wicklea Academy has made some progress since the last inspection, it continues to require improvement. The school is working steadily to address identified weaknesses, particularly in phonics instruction and curriculum development. However, more work is needed to ensure that all pupils are held to high expectations and that the curriculum is effectively implemented across all subjects. The ongoing support for staff and the strategic oversight of curriculum quality will be crucial in driving further improvements in the school.