St Clement’s CofE Primary School, located in Worcester, has recently undergone an inspection by Ofsted, which took place on the 22nd and 23rd of October 2024. The school has been rated as good in several key areas, including the quality of education, behaviour and attitudes, leadership and management, and early years provision. The personal development aspect of the school has been rated as outstanding, reflecting the strong emphasis on nurturing students' growth and well-being.
The headteacher, Rebecca Mclean, leads the school, which is part of The Rivers CofE Multi Academy Trust. This structure allows for shared responsibility in the management of the school, overseen by CEO Matt Meckin and a board of trustees chaired by Andy Jobbins. Notably, St Clement’s has not been previously inspected under section five of the Education Act 2005, although it was previously judged to be outstanding before its transition to an academy.
The school is characterized by a friendly and welcoming atmosphere where pupils are encouraged to love learning. The school’s vision is central to its operations, and pupils are well aware of the school’s values, which they demonstrate in their daily interactions. High expectations are set for both academic performance and behaviour, and pupils respond positively, working hard to meet these standards. The school fosters a safe environment where students feel comfortable sharing their concerns with trusted adults, promoting a culture of support and kindness.
Pupils enjoy their time at school and exhibit good attendance. They respect diversity and understand the importance of inclusivity, with strong relationships evident between pupils and staff. Leadership opportunities are available for pupils, allowing them to take on responsibilities that instill pride and encourage them to set positive examples for their peers. Initiatives such as well-being ambassadors further enhance the school’s commitment to mental health and community involvement.
The curriculum at St Clement’s is ambitious and well-structured, designed to build knowledge progressively from early years through to the end of key stage two. Regular recapping of learning helps pupils retain information and make connections between new and prior knowledge. Teachers employ consistent routines that facilitate access to new learning, although there are areas for improvement regarding the adaptation of learning for pupils with special educational needs and disabilities. Some of these pupils may not always receive the necessary support to fully engage with the curriculum, which can hinder their progress.
The school’s reading curriculum is particularly strong, with a well-organized approach that ensures pupils develop a love for reading from an early age. Phonics instruction begins promptly in the early years, and staff provide timely support for those who need additional practice. This approach helps all pupils, including those with SEND, to become confident and fluent readers.
St Clement’s excels in personal development, offering robust pastoral support and preparing pupils for life in modern Britain. The school promotes healthy lifestyles and relationships, ensuring that pupils are well-equipped to contribute positively to society. Staff collaboration and reflective practices contribute to a positive working environment, with ongoing professional development supported by the trust.
Overall, the inspection highlighted the effectiveness of safeguarding arrangements within the school, ensuring that pupils are protected and supported. The school is encouraged to continue refining its approach to meet the needs of all learners, particularly those with SEND, to ensure that every pupil can progress effectively through the curriculum.