Higham-on-the-Hill Church of England Primary School is recognized as a good school, providing an inclusive and nurturing environment for its pupils. The school fosters a positive atmosphere where students express happiness and enjoyment in their learning experiences. Teachers are noted for their supportive approach, readily assisting students who encounter difficulties with their work. Many pupils describe their teachers as kind and regard the school as amazing. The leadership team maintains high expectations for student behavior, resulting in well-behaved pupils both in lessons and during breaks. Classrooms are calm, and students exhibit positive attitudes towards their learning, appreciating the fairness and consistency of the behavior policy.
The school offers a variety of clubs and extracurricular activities, which are well-received by the students. Activities such as forest school, arts and crafts, choir, and sports clubs provide opportunities for pupils to engage beyond the classroom. Many students also take on additional responsibilities, serving as anti-bullying ambassadors or house captains, contributing to the organization and leadership of collective worship.
Leaders at the school are ambitious regarding student achievement and have made significant improvements across all areas. A well-structured curriculum is in place for all subjects, including an equally ambitious curriculum for Reception. Leaders have carefully considered the knowledge, skills, and vocabulary that pupils need to learn, ensuring that the curriculum is sequenced effectively. This approach meets the needs of all students, including those with special educational needs and disabilities. Teachers demonstrate strong subject knowledge and have high expectations for student performance, delivering clear explanations and well-chosen learning activities. Assessment practices are effective in identifying misconceptions and knowledge gaps, allowing for targeted support to help students progress.
Reading is a priority at the school, with staff well-trained in delivering the phonics program. Children in Reception begin phonics instruction immediately, using their knowledge to read simple words. The school provides additional phonics sessions for pupils who require extra support, fostering confidence and fluency in reading. Regular story times and reading activities further enhance students' love for reading.
The school promotes positive behavior through clear expectations and rewards, resulting in strong relationships between pupils and staff. The curriculum also emphasizes personal development, teaching students about safety, healthy choices, and respect for different faiths and cultures. While the school has made strides in teaching British values, some pupils still lack a secure understanding of these concepts, indicating an area for improvement.
Leadership and management at the school are effective, with staff expressing pride in their work environment. Leaders consider staff workload and provide comprehensive professional development opportunities. The safeguarding arrangements are robust, with pupils feeling safe and knowing whom to approach with concerns. The school has established a strong safeguarding culture, with well-trained staff and effective collaboration with external agencies.
To enhance its offerings, the school has recently adopted a new curriculum for personal, social, and health education. However, some aspects of this curriculum are not yet fully embedded, leading to gaps in pupils' understanding of fundamental British values. Leaders are tasked with ensuring that the curriculum effectively supports students in developing a comprehensive understanding of these values. Overall, Higham-on-the-Hill Church of England Primary School continues to provide a good educational experience for its pupils, with a commitment to ongoing improvement and development.