Rose Green Junior School, located in Bognor Regis, West Sussex, has recently undergone an inspection on June 18 and 19, 2024, and has been rated as outstanding in all areas of assessment. The school is led by Executive Headteacher Philip Craig and is part of The Schoolsworks Academy Trust, which provides additional governance and support. The school has made significant strides since its previous inspection, where it was rated as good.
The school emphasizes inclusion and has developed a strong culture of learning based on the principles of looking after oneself, each other, and the planet. This ethos is reflected in the positive relationships fostered between staff and pupils, which are fundamental to the school's success. Pupils are well-supported in their academic pursuits and personal development, leading to high achievement levels and excellent preparation for their future educational journeys. The school’s curriculum is carefully designed to ensure that all pupils can thrive and exceed their potential.
Pupils exhibit exemplary behavior and demonstrate a strong commitment to their learning. They appreciate the supportive and nurturing environment provided by the school, which encourages them to engage fully in all aspects of school life. The curriculum is broad and ambitious, allowing pupils to excel across various subjects. The school’s focus on high expectations for behavior and academic performance contributes to a positive school culture where pupils feel valued and motivated.
The teaching staff at Rose Green Junior School are highly skilled and adept at assessing pupils' understanding. This enables them to identify gaps in knowledge and adapt their teaching strategies accordingly. The school places a strong emphasis on reading, fostering a love for literature among pupils. Reading sessions are engaging, and staff model effective reading techniques, which helps pupils develop their skills and confidence. Additional support is provided for those who need it, ensuring that all pupils can become fluent readers.
The school also prioritizes personal development, offering numerous opportunities for pupils to take on roles and responsibilities that promote active citizenship. Initiatives such as the cyber squad and friendship squad empower pupils to contribute positively to their school community. The school’s values are well understood by pupils, who recognize their importance in fostering a respectful and inclusive environment.
Safeguarding measures at the school are effective, ensuring that pupils feel safe and supported. The leadership team is committed to continuous improvement, regularly reviewing and refining practices to meet the needs of all pupils. The school’s approach to professional development for staff ensures that they are well-equipped to implement changes and provide the best possible education for their pupils.
Overall, Rose Green Junior School stands out for its commitment to excellence in education, its inclusive ethos, and its focus on the holistic development of pupils. The positive relationships, high expectations, and well-structured curriculum contribute to an environment where pupils can thrive academically and personally. The school is well-prepared to support its pupils as they transition to secondary education and beyond, making it a commendable institution within the community.