Lydd Primary School, located in Lydd, Kent, has been recognized as a good school following its inspection on September 12 and 13, 2023. The headteacher, Nicki Man, leads the school, which is part of Our Community Multi Academy Trust. The trust is overseen by CEO David Whitehead and a board of trustees chaired by Mike O’Connell. The school serves a diverse community and emphasizes a strong connection with local history and culture, which is reflected in the curriculum. Pupils actively engage in discussions about their learning experiences, including visits to local sites such as the church and the town museum.
The school fosters a positive learning environment where pupils are encouraged to meet high expectations. From an early age, children display curiosity and a desire to learn. They are polite, friendly, and enjoy attending school. The relationships between pupils and staff are characterized by respect and care, contributing to a safe and nurturing atmosphere. Parents have expressed satisfaction with the school's commitment to treating all pupils fairly and encouraging them to reach their full potential.
Lydd Primary School offers a variety of leadership opportunities for pupils, including roles in the school council and as behavior ambassadors. These responsibilities help students feel valued and connected to their school community. Additionally, the school provides a range of extracurricular clubs, some of which utilize local facilities for activities like sailing and tennis.
The curriculum at Lydd Primary is broad and ambitious, designed to cater to all pupils. It includes carefully selected content that is taught in a logical sequence, ensuring that students learn about their community and are prepared for future educational stages. Staff members possess strong subject knowledge and effectively teach the planned curriculum. They emphasize important vocabulary, which pupils use confidently in discussions about their learning. However, there are some challenges, particularly for a small number of pupils, including those with special educational needs and disabilities, who may not grasp the curriculum as securely as their peers.
Reading is prioritized at Lydd Primary, with a consistent approach to teaching that begins as soon as pupils enter the school. Staff provide ample practice time and adjust their teaching based on individual pupil needs. While most pupils receive the support they need, some require additional assistance to read confidently and fluently. The school recognizes the need for further training for staff to enhance the effectiveness of support strategies for struggling readers.
The early years program is well-structured, with positive relationships between nursery and reception staff ensuring that children settle in smoothly. The curriculum provides rich experiences that promote language development, movement, and independence. Most children receive effective support to develop their knowledge through high-quality interactions with adults.
Pupils demonstrate focus and respect in lessons, contributing to a calm and respectful atmosphere throughout the school. The school has implemented measures to support pupils' well-being and help them communicate their feelings. They learn about managing risks and healthy relationships through the personal, social, and health education curriculum.
Overall, Lydd Primary School is committed to providing a high-quality education for all pupils, regardless of their starting points. The trust supports the school effectively, and staff feel valued and supported in their roles. The arrangements for safeguarding are effective, ensuring a safe environment for all students. Moving forward, the school aims to enhance the precision of support for the weakest readers and ensure that all pupils, including those with special educational needs, receive the necessary assistance to achieve their full potential.