Angel Oak Academy, located in Peckham, London, has been recognized as an outstanding school following its recent inspection on February 8 and 9, 2024. The headteacher, Claire Mitchell, leads the school, which is part of the STEP Academy Trust. The trust is overseen by CEO Paul Glover and a board of trustees chaired by Ross Gardner. Tim Mills serves as the executive headteacher, responsible for Angel Oak Academy and two other schools.
The inspection highlighted the exceptional care and support provided to pupils. Staff members at all levels ensure that students feel valued and secure, encouraging them to express any concerns. This supportive environment fosters confidence among pupils, who look forward to attending school and engaging with the curriculum. The school promotes a culture of hard work and kindness, which pupils embrace enthusiastically. As a result, they excel in their studies, achieving strong outcomes in national assessments.
The school community, including parents and carers, praises the excellent manners and behavior exhibited by pupils. Their conduct is described as exceptional, characterized by confidence and articulateness during learning and play. The school maintains high attendance rates, and any attendance issues are addressed promptly and effectively. Pupils demonstrate a strong sense of community, celebrating each other's differences and cooperating in various activities. The school provides ample opportunities for leadership, with pupils applying for roles such as house captains and head academicians.
Angel Oak Academy is committed to delivering an excellent education, with a curriculum designed to meet high expectations. The curriculum is ambitious and carefully structured, allowing pupils to build on their prior knowledge. For instance, in geography, early years pupils learn to use simple maps in familiar contexts, which prepares them for more complex geographical concepts as they progress through the school. By Year 6, pupils are adept at interpreting advanced geographical information.
The delivery of the curriculum is executed with expertise, emphasizing the importance of deep knowledge acquisition. Staff members are clear about the significant knowledge pupils need to retain long-term, and this clarity is reflected in the high standards maintained across all subjects and year groups. The school effectively supports pupils with special educational needs and disabilities by promptly identifying their needs and making necessary adaptations to the curriculum.
Reading is prioritized at Angel Oak Academy, with staff receiving high-quality training to implement the phonics curriculum effectively. Early reading instruction begins in Reception, and pupils have numerous opportunities to practice their phonics skills. The school ensures that reading materials align with the letter-sounds pupils have learned, enhancing their fluency and accuracy. Assessment practices are utilized to identify pupils who require additional support, allowing for timely interventions that help them catch up quickly.
Pupils exhibit exceptional attitudes toward learning, demonstrating diligence and responsiveness to instructions. Their positive demeanor significantly contributes to their success in the classroom, and they collaborate effectively with peers. Beyond the formal curriculum, the school offers various opportunities for pupils to develop holistically. Educational visits to wildlife centers, museums, and galleries enrich their understanding of the world, including diverse beliefs and religions. Regular visits to places of worship further enhance their cultural awareness.
Support from the STEP Academy Trust has been crucial to the school's achievements. The academy committee diligently fulfills its responsibilities, and the school benefits from expert advice and collaboration with other academies. This commitment to improvement is rooted in a desire to positively impact all pupils, regardless of their backgrounds or starting points. Staff members appreciate the support they receive to manage their workload and prioritize their well-being, with new initiatives carefully assessed to avoid unnecessary burdens.
The school's safeguarding arrangements are effective, ensuring a safe environment for all pupils. This inspection marks the first ungraded inspection since the school was deemed outstanding in October 2017. The inspector engaged with various stakeholders, including the trust's leadership and the school’s senior team, to evaluate the school's performance comprehensively. Overall, Angel Oak Academy continues to exemplify excellence in education, providing a nurturing and high-achieving environment for its pupils.