Chase High School, located in Westcliff-on-Sea, Essex, has undergone significant improvements since its previous inspection, achieving an overall effectiveness rating of good. The inspection, conducted on February 1 and 2, 2022, highlighted the school’s commitment to providing a supportive and enriching environment for its pupils. Students express pride in their school and report feeling happy and safe. Parents appreciate the care and attention that teachers provide, contributing to a positive school culture.
The quality of education at Chase High School is rated as good, with a broad curriculum that includes a growing number of pupils studying subjects that contribute to the English Baccalaureate. This includes an increase in language studies, which are essential for developing important life skills. Teachers demonstrate strong subject knowledge, effectively planning lessons that build on prior learning and ensuring that pupils can practice and revisit key concepts. This structured approach helps students retain important knowledge over time.
Pupils exhibit good behavior in classrooms, with lessons characterized by calmness and order. Teachers manage any disruptions swiftly, fostering an environment conducive to learning. Instances of bullying are reported as rare, and when they do occur, staff address them promptly. The school promotes a culture of respect and open-mindedness, encouraging pupils to celebrate diversity and engage in various extracurricular activities that support personal interests.
The sixth form provision is also rated as good, with students receiving tailored support that aligns with their needs and aspirations. They are well-prepared for future educational and career opportunities, demonstrating confidence in discussing their learning and presenting their ideas effectively. The emphasis on independent learning equips students with essential research skills, preparing them for the next stages of their lives.
Chase High School places a strong emphasis on reading, with leaders prioritizing diverse and age-appropriate texts across all key stages. Pupils who struggle with reading receive the necessary support to catch up, ensuring that all students have the opportunity to develop their literacy skills.
While the school has many strengths, there are areas for improvement. Some teachers do not consistently identify errors and misconceptions in pupils' work, which can hinder their learning. Leaders are working to enhance teachers' assessment practices to ensure that pupils receive timely feedback on their understanding. Additionally, support for pupils with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) needs to be more closely aligned with their individual education plans to maximize their learning potential.
The school’s leadership is proactive in promoting personal development, teaching pupils about positive relationships and important life skills. Pupils engage in community activities, organizing charity events and contributing to school improvement initiatives. The governing body maintains high expectations for the school, providing support and challenge to ensure continuous improvement.
Safeguarding measures are effective, with staff trained to recognize and report concerns. Pupils feel secure and know whom to approach if they have worries. The school conducts thorough checks to ensure that all adults working with children are suitable.
Overall, Chase High School is a thriving educational institution that has made commendable progress since its last inspection. With a focus on high expectations, a broad curriculum, and a supportive environment, the school is well-positioned to continue fostering the academic and personal growth of its pupils.