Chigwell Primary Academy, located in Chigwell, Essex, has been inspected and continues to be recognized as a good school. The acting headteacher, Charlotte Furia, leads the school, which is part of the Reach2 multi-academy trust. The trust is overseen by CEO Cathie Paine and a board of trustees chaired by Gavin Robert. The school has a strong sense of community, with pupils expressing pride in their values of respect, responsibility, and resilience. The playground is a vibrant space where students of various ages engage in activities like football and basketball, fostering a supportive environment where older pupils assist younger ones as play leaders.
Pupils demonstrate good behavior and a strong work ethic in lessons, listening attentively to both teachers and peers. The school maintains high expectations for student achievement, and many pupils are making significant progress through the curriculum. Respect for diversity is emphasized, with students learning about different cultures and religions, which enriches their understanding and appreciation of the world around them. The school encourages pupils to celebrate their religious beliefs and share insights with their classmates, promoting a culture of respect and understanding.
Chigwell Primary Academy offers a variety of sporting clubs, and pupils enjoy representing the school in competitions. The curriculum is ambitious and well-structured, ensuring that pupils build on their existing knowledge. In the early years, staff use thoughtful language to enhance children's learning through play, laying a solid foundation for future education. Ongoing training and support for staff ensure they possess the necessary subject knowledge to effectively teach the curriculum.
While the curriculum is generally taught well, some inconsistencies exist in its implementation. There are occasions when information is not presented as clearly as it could be, which may hinder some pupils' understanding. The school is aware of these areas for improvement and is committed to ensuring greater consistency in teaching practices. Additionally, the school provides valuable resources for supporting pupils with special educational needs and disabilities, enabling them to access the same curriculum as their peers.
Reading is a central focus of the curriculum, with carefully selected texts that provide a diverse reading experience. Staff are trained to identify pupils who struggle with reading and provide targeted support to enhance their confidence and fluency. The school prioritizes the wider development of pupils, offering numerous opportunities for personal growth through the PSHE curriculum, which addresses healthy relationships and personal well-being.
Governance at the school is strong, with leaders aware of the school's strengths and areas for development. Staff feel supported and valued, contributing to a positive working environment. However, some subject leaders are new to their roles and are still familiarizing themselves with the curriculum's effectiveness. The school has plans in place to support these leaders in monitoring their subjects effectively.
While most parents express satisfaction with their child's progress, there is a need for improved communication regarding the quality of education and support for wider development. The school is working to enhance its engagement with parents to ensure they are well-informed about their child's educational experience.
The safeguarding arrangements at Chigwell Primary Academy are effective, ensuring a safe environment for all pupils. The school is committed to continuous improvement and is focused on addressing the identified areas for development to enhance the educational experience for all students.