Camulos Academy, which opened in September 2016, has experienced significant growth, expanding from two classes of Reception children to ten classes covering the entire primary age range. The school has established a strong leadership presence, particularly under the current headteacher, who has been pivotal during a period of rapid expansion and leadership instability. The leadership team, supported by the multi-academy trust, has fostered a positive environment characterized by high standards and effective teamwork among staff. The governors have played a crucial role in ensuring stability and have successfully recruited a skilled leadership team to drive the school forward.
The quality of teaching, learning, and assessment at Camulos Academy is rated as good. Teachers maintain high expectations and cultivate positive relationships with pupils, which enhances their confidence and resilience. The teaching of writing has been a focus this academic year, leading to improvements in the quality of pupils' writing. However, there are concerns regarding the presentation of work and handwriting quality, which can hinder pupils' ability to edit and improve their writing. The phonics teaching is effective, with a majority of Year 1 pupils meeting the expected standard in the phonics screening check. Nevertheless, the inconsistency in the implementation of the phonics scheme across the school limits opportunities for pupils to practice their phonics skills in writing.
Pupils demonstrate good behavior and enjoy their time at school, feeling safe and supported. They are encouraged to seek help when needed, and the school promotes a culture of respect and acceptance. The curriculum is engaging, particularly in subjects like science and physical education, where pupils achieve well. The school is currently reviewing its curriculum to enhance the application of knowledge and vocabulary across subjects. While the wider curriculum captures pupils' interest, there is a need for more consistent modeling of skills to challenge the most able pupils.
Outcomes for pupils are good, with those in key stage two making strong progress and leaving well-prepared for secondary education. Key stage one pupils also show consistent progress in reading and mathematics, although writing remains an area for improvement. The early years provision is effective, with children enjoying their learning experiences and making strong progress. The school emphasizes the importance of welfare and safety, ensuring that children know how to keep themselves safe.
The governance of the school is effective, with governors actively monitoring the school's performance and supporting leaders in their roles. They are well-informed about the school's strengths and areas for development, ensuring that additional funding is used effectively to support disadvantaged pupils and those with special educational needs. The safeguarding arrangements are robust, with staff trained to recognize and respond to safeguarding concerns.
In summary, Camulos Academy is a good school that has made significant strides since its opening. The leadership team, supported by governors and the multi-academy trust, has created a positive learning environment where pupils achieve well. While there are areas for improvement, particularly in writing and the consistency of phonics instruction, the school is well-positioned for continued success. The commitment to personal development, behavior, and welfare further enhances the overall effectiveness of the school, making it a supportive and nurturing environment for all pupils.