Sprites Primary Academy, located on Stonechat Road in Ipswich, Suffolk, has shown remarkable improvement since its previous inspection, moving from an inadequate rating to a good standing. The school now offers a rich and varied curriculum that goes beyond academics, fostering a love for learning among its pupils. The positive atmosphere and strong sense of community within the school were noted by the inspection team.
Pupils at Sprites Primary Academy enjoy a diverse curriculum enriched with extra-curricular activities. They express enthusiasm for their learning and actively engage in various topics and activities. The school promotes a culture of good behavior, with pupils embodying the school's 'life values' of being safe, polite, and aspirational. The close-knit school community organizes events like the 'colour run' and fireworks night, fostering parental involvement and community spirit. Bullying is rare, and pupils feel supported by attentive staff. Additional support is provided through the 'Thrive' room and the presence of a school dog for pupils who may be feeling overwhelmed.
The strengths of the school include effective leadership and management, with leaders sharing a unified vision for providing a great education. The curriculum is well-structured, with clear connections between topics across different year groups. Reading instruction is effective, with pupils grouped according to their learning needs. Support for pupils with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) is appropriate, with adaptations made to ensure they can access the curriculum alongside their peers. The school actively engages the community through music lessons, after-school clubs, and community service projects.
Areas for improvement include enhancing the quality of writing, particularly in subjects like history and science, and refining individual plans for pupils with SEND to ensure their specific needs are met. The school's safeguarding arrangements are effective, with well-trained staff addressing any concerns about pupils promptly. Regular training updates keep staff informed about safeguarding practices, and pupils are educated on safety in school and online.
In conclusion, Sprites Primary Academy has made significant strides in improving its educational offerings and creating a supportive environment for its pupils. With a continued focus on enhancing writing quality and refining SEND support plans, the school is well-positioned to build on its successes and further enrich the educational experience for all its students.
School Details:
- Unique Reference Number: 141985
- Local Authority: Suffolk
- Type of School: Primary
- Age Range of Pupils: 3 to 11
- Number of Pupils on Roll: 329
- Headteacher: Motiur Rahman
- Website: spritesacademy.org
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