Winter Gardens Academy is a primary school located in Canvey Island, Essex, that has recently undergone an inspection, receiving a rating of good overall. The inspection took place on the 27th and 28th of April 2022, and the school has shown significant improvement since its previous inspection, which rated it as requiring improvement. The school is characterized by a welcoming environment where pupils feel valued and nurtured. Students arrive at school eager to learn, greeted warmly by staff, and they exhibit positive relationships with one another. The school promotes a safe atmosphere where pupils can express their concerns and feel confident in seeking help from staff.
The early years provision at Winter Gardens Academy is particularly noteworthy, with children receiving a strong start to their education. The curriculum is designed around the needs of the children, fostering engaging learning experiences that excite them and prepare them well for Year 1. The school maintains a calm and orderly environment, teaching children the importance of cooperation and emotional resilience from a young age. Pupils are polite, considerate, and often volunteer to assist their peers.
Leadership at the school is described as outstanding, with trustees and leaders holding high expectations for all pupils. They possess a deep understanding of the needs of both the pupils and the community, which has informed systematic improvements in the quality of education. Reading has been prioritized, with staff receiving high-quality training to effectively teach reading from the nursery level. The school employs consistent methods for teaching reading, ensuring that children are exposed to a variety of literature and are supported in overcoming challenges.
The curriculum is structured to promote both academic and personal development, with a focus on essential knowledge and skills across subjects. Teachers are adept at identifying where pupils require additional support, providing tailored assistance to help them catch up. However, there are areas for improvement, particularly in writing, where older pupils may not fully demonstrate their knowledge and skills in written tasks.
The school has established a strong culture of safeguarding, with effective arrangements in place to protect pupils. Staff are well-trained to recognize and address any risks, ensuring that pupils are educated on how to stay safe in various contexts, including online. The school also offers a range of extracurricular activities, with a high level of participation from pupils, and parents express satisfaction with the support provided for their children's personal and mental health.
While the school excels in many areas, it is recommended that leaders ensure teachers provide ample opportunities for pupils to apply their learning across all subjects, particularly in writing. This will help pupils better demonstrate their understanding and retention of knowledge. Overall, Winter Gardens Academy is a school that has made significant strides in improving its educational offerings and fostering a supportive environment for its pupils.