The Orme Academy, located in Newcastle, Staffordshire, has recently undergone an inspection that has resulted in an overall effectiveness rating of good. This marks a significant improvement from the previous inspection, which rated the school as requiring improvement. The headteacher, Mark Boughey, leads the school, which is part of the Shaw Education Trust. The trust is overseen by CEO Jo Morgan and a board of trustees chaired by Andrew Meehan.
The school fosters a positive learning environment where both staff and pupils share high aspirations. The ethos of empowering learners for life is evident, with pupils expressing that this ambition helps them focus on their personal development. Relationships between pupils and staff are characterized by warmth and respect, contributing to a purposeful atmosphere conducive to learning. Pupils are engaged in their studies and demonstrate a strong work ethic. When behavioral issues arise, staff address them promptly, reinforcing the school's high expectations. During social times, pupils interact calmly and feel safe, knowing whom to approach with any concerns.
The Orme Academy places a strong emphasis on personal development, including mental health and well-being. Leadership opportunities are available for pupils, such as language ambassadors and reading leaders, which help them understand responsibility. The school encourages participation in various extracurricular activities, including sports and the Duke of Edinburgh’s Award scheme, further enhancing pupils' personal growth.
The school has made significant strides in raising expectations around learning and behavior, developing a well-structured and ambitious curriculum. New policies have improved teaching and learning practices, although the impact on outcomes at the end of key stage four has yet to be fully realized. Most teachers effectively assess pupils' understanding, ensuring they grasp the material. However, there are instances where some teachers do not check understanding thoroughly, which can hinder progress.
The school is proactive in identifying special educational needs and adapting teaching to meet those needs. Strategies are in place to support pupils who struggle with reading, and specialist teaching addresses weaknesses in phonics and comprehension. This approach is helping to improve reading skills across the school.
Despite these positive developments, attendance remains a challenge, with a significant number of pupils missing school unnecessarily. This absenteeism affects their learning and overall achievement. The school recognizes the need to continue its efforts to promote the importance of attendance and engage with parents and external agencies to improve this situation.
The personal, social, health, and economic curriculum is well-planned, covering essential topics such as healthy relationships and online safety. The school also provides a comprehensive careers program that engages pupils effectively. Leaders understand the local context and its impact on learning and attendance, and the trust has provided targeted support to facilitate improvement.
Overall, the Orme Academy has made commendable progress since the last inspection, with effective leadership and a commitment to enhancing the educational experience for all pupils. Continued focus on attendance and ensuring that all teachers consistently check and adapt their teaching will be crucial for further improvement. The school is on a positive trajectory, with a clear vision for empowering its pupils and fostering a supportive learning environment.