St Peter’s Church of England Junior School in Tavistock, Devon, underwent an inspection on 26 and 27 April 2022, resulting in an overall effectiveness rating of good. The school has made significant progress since its previous inspection, which rated it as requiring improvement. The leadership team has established a clear vision for the school, fostering an environment where pupils enjoy learning and are encouraged to participate in a variety of enrichment activities. Pupils express enthusiasm for outdoor education, sports, and trips, which enhance their classroom learning and help develop important life skills.
The school promotes a culture of respect and kindness, with pupils demonstrating good behavior and a strong sense of community. They feel safe and supported, with staff being approachable and responsive to their needs. The school values are embedded in daily activities, and pupils take pride in their responsibilities, such as serving as house captains and school councillors. This involvement fosters their confidence and understanding of the importance of listening to others.
The curriculum is well-structured, with leaders having high expectations for pupils' learning. Essential knowledge is clearly identified, and teachers effectively support pupils in recalling prior knowledge across most subjects. This approach has led to secure knowledge retention, particularly in subjects like history. However, some subjects have experienced disruptions due to COVID-19, resulting in gaps in pupils' knowledge. Leaders are aware of these gaps and are working to ensure that teachers address them to facilitate further learning.
Reading is a priority at the school, with pupils expressing enjoyment in reading and being inspired by literature shared in class. The school provides effective support for pupils who require additional help, ensuring that reading materials align with their phonics understanding. This focus on reading contributes to pupils developing fluency and comprehension skills.
Pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities receive appropriate support, with staff trained to identify and address their needs effectively. The school has established a supportive environment that promotes positive behavior and emotional well-being. Staff maintain high expectations for behavior, leading to a calm and orderly atmosphere throughout the school.
Pupils are educated about the importance of democracy, tolerance, and respect, which is reinforced through discussions and experiences such as voting for the school council. They demonstrate sensitivity and maturity when discussing different cultures and religions, contributing to their understanding of societal values.
The well-being of pupils, parents, and staff is prioritized, with leaders actively supporting families to maintain regular attendance. The governing body has robust systems in place to monitor the effectiveness of leadership actions, demonstrating a thorough understanding of the school's strengths and areas for development.
The safeguarding arrangements are effective, with leaders ensuring that all statutory checks are completed for staff and volunteers. Staff receive regular training to fulfill their safeguarding responsibilities, and pupils are educated on how to keep themselves safe, including online safety.
To improve further, the school needs to address the gaps in knowledge in some foundation subjects, ensuring that pupils can build and deepen their understanding over time. Leaders must support teachers in utilizing assessment information to identify and rectify these gaps, enabling pupils to know and remember more as they progress in their education.