Loders CofE Primary Academy, located in Bridport, Dorset, was inspected on March 26-27, 2019, and received a rating of good across all areas of evaluation. The leadership and management of the school are effective, with the chief executive officer of the multi-academy trust and the head of school collaborating to implement rapid improvements in teaching. This has led to enhanced pupil progress throughout the school. The multi-academy trust has strengthened leadership at all levels, and governors have developed a better understanding of their roles, holding the head of school accountable more effectively.
The curriculum at Loders CofE Primary Academy offers a broad range of subjects, promoting pupils' spiritual, moral, social, and cultural development through a Christian ethos. Pupils demonstrate respect for one another and for staff, and their behavior is commendable during lessons and social interactions. The school emphasizes healthy living, utilizing the sport premium effectively to provide a variety of sports opportunities, including daily exercise routines that contribute to pupils' health and well-being.
Leaders are closely monitoring the spending of the pupil premium, resulting in most disadvantaged pupils achieving in line with their peers nationally, with some performing even better. However, the support for pupils with special educational needs and disabilities has not been as rigorous, leading to some not making sufficient progress. Additionally, there are instances where teachers do not adequately challenge the most able pupils or those of middle ability, resulting in fewer pupils reaching higher standards in reading, writing, and mathematics.
The quality of teaching, learning, and assessment is good, with pupils generally focused and engaged in their learning. Teachers have high expectations for behavior and conduct, which contributes to a positive learning environment. The school has seen improvements in mathematics due to targeted training for staff, and pupils are utilizing resources effectively to grasp abstract concepts. However, some teachers need to enhance their planning to extend the thinking of the most able pupils and reduce over-reliance on teacher support.
Pupils in the early years are making strong progress, with effective phonics teaching and a well-structured curriculum that encourages reading, writing, and number work. The early years leader, supported by the multi-academy trust, has established a successful nursery provision, allowing children from two years old to engage in joint activities while also having opportunities for independent play.
Overall, Loders CofE Primary Academy is a good school with a strong community focus. The leadership team is committed to continuous improvement, and there is a clear understanding of the areas that require further development. The school is dedicated to ensuring that all pupils, including those with special educational needs, achieve their full potential. The positive relationships among staff, pupils, and parents contribute to a supportive learning environment where pupils can thrive academically and personally. The school is well-regarded by parents, who appreciate the benefits it brings to the community.