Sibford Gower Endowed Primary School, located in Banbury, Oxfordshire, has recently undergone an inspection that highlighted its overall effectiveness as good. The inspection took place on 31 October and 1 November 2023, and the school has maintained its previous grade of good since the last inspection in May 2018. The headteacher, Jane O’Sullivan, leads the school, which is part of The Warriner Multi-Academy Trust, overseen by CEO Annabel Kay and a board of trustees chaired by Duncan Raper.
Pupils at Sibford Gower feel valued and cared for, demonstrating respect towards staff and each other. Older students serve as positive role models, particularly during lunchtime activities where they help organize games for younger pupils. The school fosters a sense of pride in responsibilities, with students taking on roles such as reading ambassadors and sports leaders, which contribute to their confidence and independence. The variety of extracurricular activities, including football and creative writing clubs, is appreciated by the students, and the school is committed to nurturing their talents and interests. Disadvantaged pupils, including those with special educational needs and disabilities, benefit from the excellent opportunities provided.
Behaviour at the school is exceptional, with pupils displaying politeness and managing their emotions effectively. This positive behaviour is evident from the early years and continues throughout their education. The school promotes a culture of celebrating diversity and individual differences, ensuring that pupils feel safe and accepted. A notable comment from a pupil encapsulated the general sentiment: “You can really be yourself here, and no one will judge you.”
The curriculum is ambitious and well-structured, beginning in the early years where staff engage pupils with thoughtful tasks that enhance their vocabulary and communication skills. The transition from early years to Year 1 is managed effectively, particularly for pupils with SEND, ensuring they are ready for the next stage of their education. Across the school, subjects are planned and sequenced well, with collaborative efforts among staff in the multi-academy trust contributing to a clear curriculum framework. Staff demonstrate secure subject knowledge and implement the wider curriculum effectively, facilitating meaningful learning experiences for pupils.
However, there are areas for improvement. Some staff members lack strong subject knowledge in certain areas, particularly in mathematics, leading to inconsistencies in support for pupils. This has resulted in some pupils experiencing gaps in their knowledge and not achieving their full potential. The school recognizes the need to further develop and share subject knowledge among staff to ensure high standards across all subjects.
Pupils are taught to read effectively, with a strong emphasis on phonics instruction. Those who fall behind receive tailored support to meet their individual needs, fostering a love for reading. The school library is valued by pupils, who enjoy the diverse range of texts available. Attendance is high, and the school monitors it closely, addressing any barriers to regular attendance through effective communication with parents.
Governors and trustees are aware of the school’s strengths and areas for development, supporting and challenging the school effectively. The school engages well with parents and carers, ensuring that the interests of pupils remain central to decision-making. Staff express pride in their work environment, feeling supported in their roles. Overall, the school is viewed positively by parents, with many expressing gratitude for the welcoming and inclusive atmosphere provided for their children. The arrangements for safeguarding are effective, ensuring a safe environment for all pupils.