Queen Emma’s Primary School in Witney, Oxfordshire, has been rated as good overall in its recent inspection conducted on April 16 and 17, 2024. The school is recognized for its nurturing and caring environment, where pupils thrive and feel safe. The headteacher, Victoria Musson, leads a dedicated team within the Mill Academy Trust, which is overseen by CEO Wendy Hemmingsley and chaired by Claire King. The school has a strong sense of community, and pupils express that the school helps them to become their best selves. They feel supported and know there is always someone to talk to if they need help.
The quality of education at Queen Emma’s is good, with clear expectations for pupil achievement, including those with special educational needs and disabilities. Pupils demonstrate good behavior and a strong work ethic. Teachers engage students through inspiring lessons that spark curiosity and eagerness to learn. From early years, pupils take pride in their work and achieve well. The school offers various leadership opportunities, such as being school councillors and playground leaders, which contribute to a positive school culture. Breaktimes are lively, with pupils enjoying a range of resources and activities.
The curriculum is ambitious and well-structured, outlining essential knowledge and vocabulary for pupils to learn over time. Effective teaching leads to good achievement, particularly in early years, where children are introduced to rich vocabulary and engaging activities. The curriculum is consistently delivered, ensuring children are well-prepared for Year 1. Pupils are eager to participate in their learning, and teachers effectively model and explain new concepts. However, in a few subjects, some pupils struggle to retain essential knowledge, which can hinder their ability to build on prior learning.
Pupils who join the school later may not have enough time to catch up on previous learning, which affects their overall achievement. The school is committed to inclusivity and has high expectations for pupils with SEND, ensuring they access the full curriculum and achieve well. Reading is prioritized, with a vibrant approach to phonics that meets pupils' needs. Staff quickly identify those needing extra support, helping them to catch up effectively.
While pupils generally have positive attitudes towards school, attendance remains a concern for some, particularly disadvantaged pupils. The school is actively working to improve attendance rates, recognizing the importance of regular attendance for learning. The emphasis on pupils’ wider development is exceptional, with a focus on respect, diversity, and fundamental British values integrated into the curriculum. The school offers various extracurricular activities, including sports and arts, ensuring all pupils can participate.
The school is dedicated to continuous improvement, with staff appreciating the support they receive. Governance is strong, with a clear understanding of the school’s strengths and areas for development. Safeguarding arrangements are effective, ensuring a safe environment for all pupils. The school has identified areas for improvement, particularly in ensuring that all pupils retain essential knowledge and improve attendance rates. Overall, Queen Emma’s Primary School is a supportive and effective educational environment where pupils can flourish.