Kempston Academy, located in Bedfordshire, has been recognized for its effective actions in maintaining the standards established during its previous inspection. The headteacher, Paul House, leads the school, which is part of the Chiltern Learning Trust, overseen by CEO Adrian Rogers and a board of trustees chaired by Graham Pryor. The school community has developed a growing sense of pride, driven by the school’s GROW principles that emphasize excellence and strong relationships, which in turn raise pupils' aspirations. Academic standards are improving across most subjects, and sixth-form students receive the necessary support to complete their studies successfully.
The school is committed to supporting pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND), helping them build confidence to access the full curriculum. High expectations are evident in the improved behavior and work of pupils, with those struggling to behave receiving appropriate support. The inclusive culture at Kempston Academy is welcoming, and pupils feel safe. They are educated on how to stay safe in the community, and new pupils integrate quickly, regardless of when they join or their background. The school prioritizes reading, actively responding to pupils' suggestions for new books and providing additional help for those who need it.
Kempston Academy's careers education program ensures that pupils, including Year 13 students, receive guidance for informed next-step choices, preparing them well for future education, employment, or training. The school has effectively addressed a decline in standards, particularly in behavior and attendance, and has seen an increase in pupils joining at various times throughout the year. Many of these pupils enter in Years 10 and 11, often with prior learning disruptions. This, along with previous curriculum weaknesses, contributed to Year 11 pupils' attainment falling below the national average in 2023.
The quality of education has significantly improved, reflected in pupils' achievements, including in English and mathematics. The curriculum is ambitious and well-structured, allowing pupils to revisit previous learning, which aids retention. Most teachers demonstrate strong subject knowledge, and curriculum leaders provide support to non-specialist teachers when necessary. While pupils' work is often of high quality, there are instances where gaps in knowledge are not addressed promptly, particularly for some pupils with SEND. Overall, the provision for pupils with SEND is effective, with those from the Aspen Centre engaging in mainstream lessons and receiving tailored support.
The school emphasizes the importance of reading, providing ample opportunities for pupils to read regularly. The library is a vibrant space, and catch-up support for younger readers is well-defined. Attendance has improved due to effective strategies, although a minority of pupils still do not attend as frequently as they should. The school offers a variety of clubs and extracurricular activities that support pupils' broader development. British values are integrated into the curriculum, and the elected school council and eco-council contribute to enhancing the school environment.
The trust and local governing body provide a balanced mix of challenge and support, ensuring continuous improvement in pupils' outcomes. Safeguarding responsibilities are well-managed, and staff appreciate the consideration given to their workload and well-being. The school has made significant strides since its last inspection, and while there are areas for further improvement, particularly in addressing knowledge gaps and attendance issues, the overall trajectory is positive. The school is well-positioned to continue its development and support its pupils effectively.