Somercotes Academy, located in North Somercotes, Lincolnshire, was inspected on November 27-28, 2018, and received an overall effectiveness rating of good. The leadership and management of the school are also rated as good, with the principal and senior leaders fostering a positive and inclusive culture that is embraced by both staff and pupils. The support from governors and trust leaders has been crucial in driving improvements and increasing pupil enrollment. The curriculum leadership is effective, ensuring that it meets the needs and aspirations of all pupils. The quality of teaching is generally good, with professional development opportunities leading to greater consistency in teaching and pupil behavior. Pastoral support is effective, resulting in improved behavior and attendance among pupils. The school has a well-coordinated personal, social, and health education program that supports pupils' emotional and mental well-being. Safeguarding arrangements are effective, and pupils report feeling safe and happy at school, a sentiment echoed by parents.
Pupils exhibit good behavior, demonstrating politeness and courtesy, and they take pride in their uniform. The school provides a well-structured careers education program starting from Year 7, which helps pupils secure appropriate next steps in education, employment, or training. The teaching quality in science has been consistently strong for at least two years, and funding for Year 7 catch-up in literacy and numeracy has effectively supported identified pupils. Pupils with special educational needs and disabilities receive good support and are beginning to make stronger progress. Overall, progress across the curriculum is improving, with previous disparities in subject outcomes diminishing, particularly at key stage 3. However, there is a need for improvement in the outcomes for the most able pupils, particularly in English and mathematics, as too few achieve higher grades by the end of key stage 4.
To further improve, the school needs to enhance outcomes at key stage 4, ensuring that all pupils, especially the most able and disadvantaged, consistently make stronger progress across the curriculum. The leadership of the school has been effective in implementing a clear vision for improvement, supported by a comprehensive development plan. The investment from the Tollbar Multi-Academy Trust has significantly improved the school environment and the recruitment of high-quality staff. The school has established a culture of high expectations, which is reflected in the positive morale among staff and the strong relationships between pupils and teachers.
Governance is strong, with knowledgeable governors who are well-informed about the school's development priorities. They actively support the school’s improvement efforts and hold leaders accountable. The arrangements for safeguarding are robust, ensuring the safety and well-being of pupils. The school has made significant strides in improving attendance and reducing exclusions, with effective strategies in place to support positive behavior. While the overall attainment of pupils remains a concern, particularly for disadvantaged and most able pupils, current pupils are making stronger progress than in previous years. The school is committed to ensuring that all pupils are well-prepared for their future, with effective guidance and support in place to help them navigate their educational and career options.