Muscliff Primary School, located in Bournemouth, Dorset, has recently undergone an inspection, resulting in an overall effectiveness rating of good. The school is led by headteacher Sarah Fenby and operates as a single academy trust, overseen by a board of trustees chaired by Tracey Farwell. The inspection took place on May 21 and 22, 2024, marking the first routine inspection since the COVID-19 pandemic began.
The school emphasizes five core values: aspiration, curiosity, kindness, resilience, and responsibility, which shape its ethos. Pupils demonstrate a strong commitment to their education, with regular attendance and a desire to learn. The school has successfully improved attendance rates, and by the time students reach Year 6, they are well-prepared for future learning challenges.
Muscliff Primary School prioritizes personal development, offering a variety of extracurricular activities such as choir and coding club, as well as opportunities for pupils to participate in sports competitions. Educational trips are thoughtfully planned to enhance the curriculum, with examples including geography-related visits to the beach. The school fosters warm relationships between staff and pupils, ensuring a safe environment where students feel supported and understood.
Pupils are encouraged to take on responsibilities from a young age, with Reception Year children learning to recognize their names during morning registration and older students serving as play leaders. The curriculum is broad and ambitious, with staff effectively supporting pupils in articulating their thoughts and understanding concepts. Regular assessments help teachers gauge pupils' comprehension, and in subjects like mathematics, students confidently explain their understanding of shapes and calculations.
However, the inspection identified areas for improvement. In some foundation subjects, the curriculum lacks precise outlines regarding content and sequencing, which can hinder pupils' ability to build on prior knowledge. Additionally, assessment practices in certain subjects need further development to ensure that gaps in understanding are identified and addressed.
The early years provision is strong, with children in Reception Year settling in well and developing skills across various learning areas. Activities are designed to enhance both cognitive and physical development, such as using tools in construction to build strength and coordination.
Reading instruction is effective, with nearly all pupils becoming proficient readers by the end of Year 1. The school employs a systematic approach to phonics, ensuring that students read books that align with their phonetic knowledge, fostering fluency and a love for literature. Beautiful texts are selected to enrich pupils' understanding and appreciation of reading, often linking to broader curriculum themes.
Support for pupils with special educational needs and disabilities is well-structured, with early identification and tailored interventions that allow these students to thrive academically and socially. Transition processes are carefully planned to support students with SEND, ensuring they are fully integrated into school life.
Pupils exhibit polite and courteous behavior, contributing to a calm and orderly school environment conducive to learning. They understand the importance of routines and the value of their efforts, appreciating the recognition they receive for their achievements. The school adopts a restorative approach to behavior management, helping students understand the impact of their actions on others.
The governing body and trustees provide effective strategic direction, demonstrating a commitment to continuous improvement. Staff feel supported in their roles, and communication with parents regarding student achievements is valued. Overall, Muscliff Primary School is a nurturing and effective educational institution, with a clear path for ongoing development and enhancement of its educational offerings.