Southery Academy, located on Westgate Street in Southery, Downham Market, Norfolk, is a primary school that caters to children aged 4 to 11. The school operates under the Eastern Multi-Academy Trust (MAT) and has been serving the community since it converted to academy status in October 2015. With a small student body of 88 pupils, Southery Academy prides itself on providing a nurturing and supportive environment for its learners.
The school was inspected by Ofsted from January 8 to 9, 2019, and received an overall effectiveness rating of Good. This assessment reflects the school's commitment to high standards in leadership, teaching, and student welfare.
Key Findings:
- Leadership and Management: The leadership team, led by a relatively new headteacher, has effectively driven improvements within the school. The local governing body (LGB) plays an active role in supporting and challenging school leaders, ensuring that high expectations are maintained. The leadership team is small but enthusiastic, with teachers taking on various responsibilities and receiving support from the MAT to develop their skills.
- Quality of Teaching, Learning, and Assessment: Teaching at Southery Academy is rated as good, with a focus on developing pupils' knowledge and understanding. The curriculum has been recently reviewed to enhance vocabulary and cultural awareness. While pupils are generally motivated and engaged, there is a need for more efficient use of lesson time to maximize learning opportunities.
- Personal Development, Behaviour, and Welfare: Pupils demonstrate positive behaviour and respect for one another. The school promotes key learning behaviours such as teamwork and perseverance, which are integrated into the curriculum. Pupils feel safe and supported, with no reported concerns about bullying.
- Outcomes for Pupils: Progress from key stage 1 to key stage 2 has been average in reading and mathematics, with writing showing above-average results in 2018. However, overall attainment at the end of key stage 2 remains below the national average. The school is actively working to address this through targeted interventions and support for disadvantaged pupils.
- Early Years Provision: The early years program is well-structured, providing a strong foundation for children's education. Children enter with skills typical for their age, and staff work closely with parents to support learning. The new early years teacher has received substantial support from the MAT, contributing to the positive outcomes observed.
Areas for Improvement:
To further enhance the quality of education at Southery Academy, the following areas have been identified for improvement:
- Ensuring consistent and effective use of time in lessons to support learning.
- Encouraging greater independence among pupils in their work.
- Continuing to develop leadership skills across all levels to strengthen management practices.
Southery Academy is a school that demonstrates a strong commitment to providing quality education and fostering a positive learning environment. With effective leadership, a dedicated teaching staff, and a focus on personal development, the school is well-positioned to continue its journey of improvement and success for all its pupils. The ongoing support from the Eastern Multi-Academy Trust and the active involvement of the local governing body will be crucial in achieving these goals.