St Peter’s CofE Primary Academy in Easton, Norwich, was inspected on January 23 and 24, 2024, and received an overall effectiveness rating of good. The school is led by Executive Headteacher Mrs. Rebecca Newman and is part of the Eden Federation within the Diocese of Norwich Education and Academies Trust. This inspection marked the first under the Education Act 2005 since the school converted to an academy in March 2016. The previous school, St Peter’s CofE VA Primary School, was rated outstanding during its last inspection.
Pupils at St Peter’s enjoy a welcoming environment characterized by strong relationships between staff and students. The adults in the school are dedicated to the well-being of the pupils, ensuring they feel cared for and happy. The pupils demonstrate kindness towards one another, engage in respectful conversations, and celebrate each other's differences. Their behavior is commendable both in lessons and during playtime, contributing to a friendly atmosphere where rules are understood and followed.
The quality of education is rated good, with pupils benefiting from a well-structured curriculum that covers a range of interesting topics. Teachers are committed to including all pupils in the learning process, providing additional support when necessary. Enrichment opportunities, such as trips to local museums and castles, enhance the learning experience and help bring classroom lessons to life. The school has implemented an effective phonics program, enabling pupils to make good progress in reading, although some fluent readers occasionally have to wait for their peers before advancing.
While the school excels in many areas, there are aspects that require improvement. The early years provision has been identified as needing improvement, as the curriculum does not consistently engage children in their learning. The outdoor learning environment is not fully utilized to support various developmental areas, including physical development. Additionally, there is a need for a more focused approach to developing children's language and communication skills.
Leadership and management are rated good, with leaders ensuring an ambitious curriculum is in place. However, newer subject leaders have not yet had the opportunity to conduct thorough checks on pupil achievement, which affects their confidence in understanding how well pupils are performing in their respective areas. The school is encouraged to continue supporting these leaders to ensure they can effectively monitor and enhance pupil outcomes.
The school has established clear behavior policies that are consistently followed, resulting in polite and friendly pupils who are eager to engage with adults and visitors. The sense of community and Christian ethos is strong, with pupils learning about different faiths and demonstrating respect and tolerance for others' beliefs. They are also aware of how to stay safe and healthy, participating in various clubs that foster their interests.
Overall, St Peter’s CofE Primary Academy has created a positive learning environment where pupils thrive academically and socially. The school is committed to continuous improvement, particularly in early years provision and subject leadership, to ensure that all pupils receive the best possible education tailored to their individual needs. The safeguarding arrangements are effective, ensuring a safe environment for all pupils.