Westover Primary School, located in Portsmouth, Hampshire, has undergone a recent inspection that has resulted in an overall effectiveness rating of good. The inspection took place on the 5th and 6th of May 2022, marking a significant improvement from its previous rating of requires improvement. The school is characterized by a friendly and welcoming atmosphere where pupils feel safe and well cared for. There is a strong sense of respect among staff and students, fostering a positive environment conducive to learning. Pupils express enjoyment in attending the school and demonstrate confidence in the staff's ability to address any issues, including rare instances of bullying.
The leadership at Westover Primary School is ambitious, with high expectations for all pupils, including those with special educational needs and disabilities. The curriculum is designed to be broad and stimulating, ensuring that pupils are well-prepared for their future educational journeys. Leaders have carefully identified essential knowledge across subjects, and the curriculum in early years lays a solid foundation for future learning. Staff utilize their strong subject knowledge to help pupils practice and retain what they have learned, contributing to a secure knowledge base over time.
Pupils are actively engaged in their learning and take pride in their achievements. They are motivated to earn rewards for their hard work and good behavior. The school promotes a culture of health and well-being, encouraging pupils to understand the importance of exercise and healthy living. During break times, pupils participate in various physical activities, fostering a sense of community and teamwork.
Reading is prioritized within the school, with staff regularly reading high-quality texts to pupils to nurture a love for reading. The introduction of a new phonics program has been effective, with well-trained staff ensuring that pupils develop their phonics knowledge appropriately. Those who struggle receive timely support to help them catch up, resulting in pupils reading with fluency and comprehension.
The learning environment is vibrant and inviting, both indoors and outdoors, promoting purposeful activity. Pupils with special educational needs receive effective support, allowing them to access the full curriculum and participate in school activities. The school fosters a culture of respect and responsibility, teaching pupils about equality and the importance of being considerate citizens. They engage in charitable activities, such as donating to local food banks, and learn about different faiths and cultures, preparing them for life in modern Britain.
Despite the many strengths, the school acknowledges areas for improvement. Some teachers exhibit variable subject knowledge, which can impact pupil achievement in certain subjects. Leaders are committed to providing ongoing training to enhance teachers' expertise, ensuring the successful delivery of the curriculum.
The safeguarding arrangements at Westover Primary School are effective, with leaders prioritizing the welfare and safety of pupils. Staff receive regular training to identify and report any concerns, and the school collaborates with external agencies to provide necessary support for pupils and their families. Overall, Westover Primary School demonstrates a commitment to continuous improvement, with robust systems in place to monitor and evaluate the effectiveness of leadership actions. The school is well-positioned to build on its successes and address areas for development, ensuring a positive educational experience for all pupils.