Leek High School, located in Staffordshire, has undergone significant improvements since its previous inspection, which rated it as inadequate. The recent inspection, conducted on June 5 and 6, 2024, has resulted in an overall effectiveness rating of requires improvement. The headteacher, Kevin Graham, has played a pivotal role in transforming the school by addressing past issues and fostering a culture of mutual respect among pupils and staff. The school is part of The Talentum Learning Trust, which provides additional support and oversight.
Pupils at Leek High School report feeling supported and well cared for, with stable staffing and clear expectations for attendance and behavior. The school has established high standards, leading to attendance rates that exceed the national average. Pupils demonstrate good behavior and a strong desire to succeed, expressing pride in their school community. However, while the school has made strides in personal development and leadership, the quality of education still requires improvement. The curriculum is broad and ambitious, allowing pupils to choose subjects that align with their interests. Nonetheless, the implementation of the curriculum is inconsistent, impacting the quality of learning.
The teaching practices across subjects vary, with some teachers not effectively utilizing assessment data to inform their instruction. This inconsistency can lead to disengagement among pupils, hindering their overall achievement. The school recognizes the need for teachers to routinely check for understanding and adapt their lessons accordingly. The provision for pupils with special educational needs and disabilities is strong, with timely identification and support ensuring that these pupils can learn effectively.
Reading has become a focal point at Leek High School, with initiatives in place to encourage a love for reading. The newly refurbished library serves as a hub for reading activities, and pupils who struggle with reading receive appropriate support to help them catch up with their peers. The school has also prioritized improving behavior and attendance, which has positively influenced the learning environment. The pastoral team is dedicated to removing barriers to learning, contributing to a culture where pupils are eager to succeed.
The Interim Executive Board has been instrumental in overseeing the school's progress, providing expertise and ensuring that the school receives the necessary support. The board closely monitors the school's development and works collaboratively with the headteacher to implement effective strategies for improvement. Safeguarding measures are in place and deemed effective, ensuring the safety and well-being of all pupils.
Despite the positive changes, the school acknowledges the need for continued focus on assessment practices and curriculum implementation. By ensuring that all teachers consistently apply assessment strategies, the school aims to enhance pupil achievement further. The commitment to professional development for staff is essential in delivering a high-quality education that meets the needs of all learners.
In summary, Leek High School has made commendable progress under new leadership, fostering a supportive environment for pupils. While there are areas that require improvement, particularly in the consistency of teaching and assessment practices, the school is on a positive trajectory. The dedication of staff, the involvement of parents, and the support from the trust are crucial elements in the ongoing journey toward excellence in education.