Ofsted conducted a monitoring inspection of The Good Shepherd Catholic Primary School on 22 November 2023, following two successive judgments of requires improvement. The purpose of this inspection was to assess the progress made by the school since its last graded inspection, rather than to provide an overall effectiveness grade. The inspection involved discussions with the headteacher and senior leaders, a review of the school’s self-evaluation and improvement plans, meetings with subject leaders, lesson observations, and scrutiny of pupils' work and curriculum documents.
The findings indicate that while progress has been made, further work is necessary for the school to achieve a good rating. The leadership team, including the headteacher, has demonstrated ambition for all pupils to receive a high-quality education. They have responded effectively to previous inspection recommendations and recognized the urgency of improving educational quality. Collaboration with external organizations and the trust has facilitated necessary changes, particularly in curriculum development, support for pupils with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND), and governance.
The school has prioritized curriculum development, ensuring that it is well-structured and focused on key knowledge and skills. The curriculum is now fully mapped out, allowing for clear identification of objectives, prior knowledge, and key vocabulary. This has been positively received by pupils, who find the new curriculum documents helpful in tracking their progress. The strengthened curriculum plans clarify the key knowledge that pupils should learn across all year groups, enabling teachers to make connections between different learning stages. This approach enhances pupils' understanding and retention of information.
Improvements in curriculum planning have also equipped staff to provide better academic support for pupils with SEND. Training has been provided to enhance staff understanding of how to support these pupils effectively, allowing them to learn alongside their peers. Staff report feeling more informed and confident in adapting their teaching to meet the needs of all learners.
Leaders have established a system for monitoring subjects through lesson visits and reviews of pupils' work, using this information to identify priorities and implement strategies for improvement. For instance, they have recognized the need for additional support for pupils with SEND in geography and are actively working to address this.
Governance has improved significantly since the last inspection. Governors are now well-informed about the quality of education and have developed a strategic approach to holding leaders accountable. They understand the school’s priorities and challenge leaders on the impact of their decisions. The morale among staff is positive, with many expressing support for the changes being implemented and valuing professional development opportunities.
The engagement of leaders with the Our Lady Immaculate Academies Trust has been beneficial, providing valuable support in reviewing and improving the quality of provision. Areas identified for improvement in previous reports have been prioritized in the school’s development plan, leading to enhanced curriculum quality.
To continue the progress made, the next step for the school is to focus on the effective implementation of the curriculum, ensuring that its intent is well understood and established. This focus has been acknowledged by the leadership team as a critical area for ongoing development. The overall impression from the inspection is one of a school that is making strides towards improvement, with a clear commitment to enhancing educational outcomes for all pupils.