This letter outlines the findings from the monitoring inspection of Gossey Lane Academy, which took place on April 24, 2024. The inspection was conducted on behalf of His Majesty’s Chief Inspector of Education, Children’s Services and Skills, following two successive judgments of requires improvement at previous inspections. The purpose of this monitoring inspection was to assess the school’s progress rather than to grade its overall effectiveness.
During the inspection, discussions were held with the associate head teacher, the executive head teacher, other leaders, staff, trust advocates, board members, and trust representatives regarding the actions taken to improve the school since the last graded inspection. The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic was also considered. The inspector visited lessons, reviewed samples of pupils’ work, spoke to pupils, and examined documentation related to attendance, the curriculum, and the provision for pupils with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND).
The inspection found that while progress has been made, further work is necessary for the school to achieve a good rating. Changes have been implemented to enhance leadership capacity, including the appointment of new senior leaders. The leadership team has responded effectively to the recommendations from the last inspection, demonstrating a realistic understanding of the school’s strengths and areas for development, which are clearly outlined in the school’s self-evaluation and improvement plan.
The curriculum for many foundation subjects has been fully mapped out, prioritizing key knowledge and skills for pupils. This clarity helps teachers make connections between each year’s learning. In mathematics, the school is in its second year of a mastery approach, which is becoming well embedded. The school places a high priority on reading, providing numerous opportunities for pupils to engage with books. Staff collaborate with local hubs to ensure effective phonics delivery and are currently focusing on developing pupils’ vocabulary and oracy skills.
The previous inspection highlighted the need for improved support for pupils with SEND, particularly in the identification process. This area has seen significant transformation, with the SEND coordinator working closely with staff to ensure that pupils’ needs are accurately identified and met. Training has been provided to enhance staff understanding of how to support these pupils effectively, allowing them to learn alongside their peers in the classroom. The school also collaborates with specialist services to provide additional support for pupils with SEND.
Pupil attendance is improving, although not as quickly as desired. The leadership team has implemented robust processes to analyze attendance data and has been proactive in offering support to families. Communication with parents about the importance of attendance remains a key focus. Administrative processes have also been tightened, particularly in recording the support provided to pupils and their families, resulting in accurate and comprehensive record-keeping.
The school effectively utilizes external support and challenge, collaborating with advisers to ensure the suitability of provision for SEND pupils. Regular reviews of teaching and learning help leaders verify that the curriculum is being delivered as intended. The support from the multi-academy trust has been instrumental in refining and embedding the school’s systems, policies, and procedures. Overall, while there has been progress, continued efforts are needed to ensure that Gossey Lane Academy meets the standards required for a good rating.