The Global Academy, located in Hayes, Middlesex, is a university technical college that opened in September 2016. It serves students aged 14 to 19 and specializes in broadcast and digital media courses. The school has undergone its first inspection since its establishment, with the most recent evaluation occurring in March and May 2019. The overall effectiveness of the school has been rated as good, reflecting the positive impact of leadership and management, the quality of teaching, and the outcomes for pupils.
Leadership at the Global Academy has shown a commitment to improvement since the appointment of the principal in April 2018. Leaders have accurately identified the strengths and weaknesses of the school and have implemented effective plans to enhance the quality of education. Middle leaders are beginning to improve teaching quality within their subject areas, although the consistency of this improvement varies. The school has established strong careers education, resulting in the majority of pupils progressing into further education, employment, or training. Governors actively hold leaders accountable for pupil progress and have contributed to significant improvements in attendance, which is now close to the national average, although persistent absenteeism remains a concern.
The quality of teaching, learning, and assessment is generally good, particularly in the sixth form, where students make good progress and transition successfully into training or employment. In Years 10 and 11, pupils are beginning to show improved progress, especially in English and media studies. However, some teachers do not consistently maintain high expectations, which affects the challenge provided to the most able pupils, particularly in mathematics and science. Pupils report feeling safe in school and have access to trusted staff for support.
To further enhance the school, leaders need to ensure greater consistency in middle leadership to sustain improvements in teaching quality. Additionally, it is essential to raise teachers' expectations of pupil achievement and to provide appropriately challenging work for all students. Improving attendance, particularly for disadvantaged pupils and those with special educational needs, remains a priority.
The school promotes personal development and welfare effectively, embedding core values through a well-structured program that addresses important issues such as careers, online safety, and mental health. Pupils demonstrate respect and courtesy towards each other and staff, and there is a strong emphasis on emotional support for vulnerable students. The behavior of pupils is generally good, although low-level disruption can occur in lessons where teaching is less effective.
Outcomes for pupils have improved, with leaders taking effective action to raise expectations and enhance behavior. The quality of teaching is improving, contributing to better progress for pupils in key stage four. The school has successfully supported disadvantaged pupils, ensuring they make progress in line with their peers. Careers advice and guidance are robust, leading to a high percentage of pupils securing suitable post-16 destinations.
In the sixth form, leaders are effective in monitoring student progress and supporting personal development. The quality of teaching is good, with high expectations and engaging lessons that foster student interest. Students benefit from meaningful work-related opportunities, gaining insights into their future career choices. Overall, the Global Academy is making significant strides in providing quality education and preparing students for their future endeavors.