Edison Primary School, located in Hounslow, has been recognized for its overall effectiveness as a good school following its inspection in July 2019. The leadership team, led by the headteacher and supported by the deputy headteacher, demonstrates strong and ambitious leadership. They possess a clear understanding of the school's strengths and areas needing improvement. The governing body, including trustees and governors, is actively engaged and knowledgeable about the school, effectively supporting and challenging the leadership team.
The quality of teaching, learning, and assessment is consistently good across the school. A notable strength is the teaching of phonics, which enables pupils to read independently at an early age and fosters a love for reading. While teaching is generally effective, there are instances where tasks do not fully cater to the diverse needs of all pupils. The curriculum is broad and balanced, with a strong emphasis on science, allowing pupils to develop knowledge and skills across various subjects.
In the early years, the quality of education is also good, with children making significant progress. However, the outdoor learning environment does not match the high standards of the indoor provision, limiting opportunities for children to engage in quality learning experiences outside. The school promotes personal development, behavior, and welfare effectively. Pupils exhibit politeness, good behavior, and an understanding of respect and tolerance. Attendance rates are above the national average, and efforts to reduce persistent absence have been successful.
Safeguarding measures are robust, ensuring that pupils feel safe and well cared for. The school has implemented effective strategies to support pupils with special educational needs and disabilities, as well as disadvantaged pupils, enabling them to make good progress from their starting points. The school has also utilized additional funding effectively to enhance support for these groups.
To further improve, the school aims to enhance early years provision by developing the outdoor area to provide high-quality learning opportunities. Additionally, there is a focus on ensuring that teaching is well-matched to the abilities of all pupils, allowing them to achieve their full potential across all subjects. Strengthening the development of middle leaders is also a priority as the school continues to grow.
The governance of the school is effective, with trustees and governors demonstrating a commitment to the school's success. They are well-informed and actively involved in monitoring the quality of education provided. Regular visits to the school allow them to assess the impact of improvements and ensure that pupils are achieving well.
Overall, Edison Primary School has established a positive learning environment where pupils thrive academically and personally. The leadership team is dedicated to continuous improvement, and the school community is engaged in fostering a culture of high expectations. With a clear focus on enhancing the quality of education and addressing areas for development, the school is well-positioned for future success.