Ofsted conducted a short inspection of Thurnby Lodge Primary Academy on 14 May 2019, following its previous judgment of good in September 2012. The inspection confirmed that the school continues to maintain a good quality of education. The leadership team, under the principal and vice-principal, fosters a happy and inclusive environment where pupils enjoy their lessons and interact positively with one another. High aspirations for all pupils are evident, supported by staff, academy councillors, and the majority of parents and carers.
The school has effectively identified areas for improvement, which are outlined in the school development plan. The leadership team actively seeks ways to enhance standards, collaborating with other schools in the Mead Educational Trust and engaging with a national organization for quality assurance reviews. Pupils with special educational needs and disabilities receive excellent support, particularly those in the on-site unit for speech, language, and communication.
The principal has implemented a model of distributed leadership, ensuring that middle leaders understand their roles and responsibilities. Subject leaders for mathematics and religious education expressed enthusiasm about their successes and future plans. Teaching quality is generally good, with pupils finding lessons interesting and challenging. Observations during the inspection highlighted engaging activities across various year groups, demonstrating effective teaching practices.
Staff morale is high, with teachers feeling valued and proud to work at the school. They appreciate the culture of openness and support, which contributes to their professional development. The school promotes pupils' spiritual, moral, social, and cultural development effectively, incorporating diverse cultural experiences into the curriculum. Pupils express enjoyment in attending school and have positive relationships with their teachers, who are approachable and supportive.
Parents hold a favorable view of the school, recognizing its strong leadership and the caring nature of the staff. The academy council is dedicated to ensuring a good education for all pupils, regularly visiting the school to monitor its operations and hold leaders accountable. Safeguarding measures are robust, with all necessary checks in place for staff and volunteers. The designated safeguarding leads prioritize the safety and well-being of vulnerable pupils, maintaining organized and high-quality records.
The inspection findings indicate that the quality of teaching, learning, and assessment is good. Pupils enter the school with below-average skills but achieve at or above the national average by the end of key stage one. The school is aware of areas where progress may be less strong and takes steps to address these issues, particularly for the most able pupils in mathematics. The curriculum is being adapted to enhance creativity and provide enriched experiences, although there is a need for further development in foundation subjects to match the high standards of core subjects.
Next steps for the school include embedding strategies to ensure that the most able pupils achieve higher standards in core subjects and further developing the curriculum to maintain high standards across all subjects. The inspection highlighted the school's commitment to continuous improvement and the well-being of its pupils, ensuring a supportive and effective learning environment.