Leasowes Primary School, located in Stafford, has recently undergone an inspection by Ofsted, which took place on January 31 and February 1, 2024. The school has been rated as outstanding in all areas, including overall effectiveness, quality of education, behaviour and attitudes, personal development, leadership and management, and early years provision. This is a significant achievement, especially considering that it has not been previously inspected under section five of the Education Act 2005. The headteacher, Gemma Bettany, leads the school, which is part of the South East Stafford Academy Trust, overseen by a board of trustees chaired by Matthew Rowell.
The school is characterized by its vibrant and supportive environment, where pupils thrive under the high expectations set by the leadership. Students express enthusiasm about attending school and appreciate the support they receive from all staff members. The culture of respect, aspiration, enjoyment, courage, collaboration, and love is evident throughout the school community. Pupils demonstrate politeness and consideration towards one another and visitors, understanding the expectations set by the leaders.
Safeguarding is a top priority at Leasowes Primary School. Pupils feel confident in discussing any concerns with trusted adults, knowing that their issues will be taken seriously. The school offers a variety of enriching opportunities, including visits and clubs, which contribute to a well-rounded educational experience. Pupils take pride in their roles, such as reading ambassadors, and engage in community work, reflecting the school’s commitment to being a ‘Rights Respecting School.’
The curriculum at Leasowes Primary has been extensively reviewed to ensure it is ambitious and well-structured. Teachers effectively select activities that deepen pupils' knowledge and understanding while making connections between subjects. The school is proactive in addressing misconceptions and uses assessment to identify and close gaps in understanding. This careful planning allows pupils to engage in discussions about their learning, fostering a sense of identity as ‘Leasowes Learners.’
The school is particularly adept at meeting the needs of pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND). Staff consistently adapt lessons to ensure these pupils achieve alongside their peers. In the early years, the curriculum is designed based on high-quality research, enabling children to make excellent progress. The focus on communication is a key aspect of this provision, ensuring that all children are engaged in their learning.
Early reading is emphasized, with a strong phonics program in place to support all pupils in developing fluency. The reading curriculum is engaging and ambitious, exposing pupils to a wide range of literature. Behaviour in the school is exemplary, with pupils demonstrating resilience and a willingness to embrace challenges. The leadership roles established by the school empower pupils to take an active part in school life.
Leasowes Primary School places a strong emphasis on personal development, teaching pupils to respect diversity and celebrate differences. The extensive range of clubs and enrichment activities is designed to maximize participation, particularly for vulnerable pupils. The leadership team, under the headteacher's dynamic guidance, is committed to continuous improvement and staff well-being. The engagement with parents is robust, with positive feedback highlighting the high-quality provision offered at the school. Overall, Leasowes Primary School exemplifies excellence in education, fostering a nurturing and ambitious environment for all its pupils.