Ofsted conducted a short inspection of Laureate Community Academy on 14 March 2019, following the previous inspection in May 2016, which rated the school as good. The findings indicate that the school continues to maintain a good quality of education. The leadership team has a clear understanding of the school's strengths and areas for improvement, with improvement plans focused on the right priorities. The well-being of pupils is prioritized, creating a supportive environment where they feel listened to and valued. Parents have noted positive changes in their children's confidence and academic progress, as well as opportunities for them to take on responsibilities within the school.
Since joining the Unity Schools Partnership in July 2016, the school has benefited from strengthened governance and support from trust leaders. Regular visits from the trust's chief executive and director of primary education provide additional challenge and guidance. The governors understand their responsibilities and contribute effectively to the school's direction. The school has also engaged with other organizations to enhance teachers' use of assessment information, which has improved the quality of education.
Safeguarding measures are effective, with staff and governors receiving appropriate training. The designated safeguarding leader ensures that concerns are recorded accurately and addressed promptly. The school maintains a strong focus on keeping children safe, with policies and procedures regularly updated to reflect current guidance. Pupils report feeling safe, and instances of bullying are dealt with swiftly.
The inspection assessed several key areas, including attendance and behavior. Attendance has improved and is now above the national average, although a small group of pupils still struggles with regular attendance. Most pupils respond positively to high behavior expectations, contributing to a positive learning atmosphere. The inspection also evaluated the progress of pupils in English, particularly boys, who have historically lagged behind girls. The school has implemented effective teaching strategies that have led to strong progress in reading and writing for all pupils.
In mathematics, leaders have focused on improving teaching quality, ensuring that pupils master concepts before progressing. While pupils are making good progress, there are still instances where activities do not challenge all pupils sufficiently, particularly the most able. The support for vulnerable pupils, including those with special educational needs, is effective, with tailored teaching and additional support leading to strong progress.
The curriculum is designed to provide a broad range of learning experiences, preparing pupils well for future stages of education. However, monitoring of progress in foundation subjects needs further development. Pupils enjoy thematic learning experiences, which engage their interests and support their personal development.
Next steps for the school include improving attendance for the small number of pupils who are frequently absent, ensuring that all teachers provide appropriately challenging mathematics activities, and establishing assessment procedures in subjects beyond English and mathematics to support pupil learning and progress. The inspection highlighted the school's overall effectiveness and commitment to continuous improvement, with a clear focus on enhancing the educational experience for all pupils.