Ofsted conducted a monitoring inspection of Bulford St Leonard's C of E (VA) Primary School on 25 September 2024. This inspection was carried out under section 8(2) of the Education Act 2005, as the school met the monitoring threshold outlined in the Monitoring Inspection Handbook. The purpose of this inspection was to assess the progress the school has made since its last graded inspection, rather than to assign grades to the school's performance.
During the inspection, discussions were held with the headteacher, senior leaders, trust leaders, the chief executive officer of the trust, the chair of trustees, and the chair of governors. The focus was on the actions taken to improve the school since the previous inspection, as well as the ongoing impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. The inspector reviewed school improvement documents and observed lessons, while also meeting with the special educational needs coordinator, the designated safeguarding lead, subject leaders, and teachers.
The findings indicate that while progress has been made, there are still areas requiring further improvement. Since the last inspection, the headteacher has been appointed, and a new special educational needs coordinator and designated safeguarding lead have joined the school. The school is now fully staffed with permanent teachers and is collaborating more closely with trust leaders. Progress has been noted in addressing the areas for improvement identified in the previous report. Although some initiatives need time to fully embed, it is clear that the school is moving in a positive direction.
The headteacher has led efforts to refine the curriculum, ensuring that key knowledge and skills for pupils are clearly defined. The curriculum is cohesive and well-structured, positively impacting the quality of education provided to pupils. However, further work is needed to ensure that all areas of the curriculum are delivered consistently at a high standard. Teachers demonstrate a strong understanding of the needs of pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities, but the support provided in the classroom is not yet uniform, leading to variability in learning outcomes for these pupils.
Since the previous inspection, the school has acted promptly on areas identified for improvement. In collaboration with the trust, necessary changes have been accelerated to enhance safeguarding arrangements and the quality of education. Trustees, governors, and trust leaders possess an accurate understanding of the school's strengths and areas for further development. Improvement plans have been revised to be more robust and are now used effectively to monitor progress.
All staff have participated in training to enhance the recording of safeguarding incidents, resulting in more detailed documentation and a clearer understanding of expectations. The school has engaged with various external support services, which have contributed to its capacity and expertise. The involvement of these external partners has been focused and goal-oriented, with leaders at all levels reporting positively on the impact of this support.
In summary, Bulford St Leonard's C of E (VA) Primary School has made notable progress since the last inspection, with effective leadership and a commitment to improvement evident throughout the school. While there are still areas that require attention, the overall trajectory is positive, and the school is well-positioned to continue its development. The engagement with external partners and the support from the trust have further strengthened the school's capacity to enhance educational outcomes for all pupils.