Abbeyfield Primary Academy, located in Sheffield, South Yorkshire, has been recognized for its overall effectiveness as a good school following its inspection in June 2019. The leadership and management of the school are deemed good, with the principal demonstrating a strong commitment to improving the school since its conversion to an academy in August 2016. The principal is supported by a capable deputy headteacher and the trust, which has provided necessary resources for rapid improvement. The morale among staff is high, and there is a clear vision for the school that is shared by all.
The quality of teaching, learning, and assessment is also rated as good. Teachers and teaching assistants are dedicated to the principal's vision, and they have established a positive learning environment characterized by strong routines and high expectations. The teaching of reading has been prioritized, and phonics instruction is generally effective, although there are occasional gaps in addressing pupils' uncertainties. Pupils exhibit good behavior, showing respect for one another and their teachers, and they are eager to succeed in their studies.
Despite the positive aspects, the school faces challenges in improving attendance rates, which are hindered by external factors. Leaders are actively working to address these issues and remain determined to enhance attendance. Since becoming an academy, there has been a noticeable upward trend in pupil outcomes, particularly in reading, writing, and mathematics across both key stages. While teachers maintain high expectations, there are instances where the most able pupils could be challenged more effectively in their learning.
In the early years foundation stage, children make good progress from their starting points. Leaders monitor progress closely, although there is room for improvement in utilizing this information to further enhance children's learning experiences. The school has established a solid foundation for children as they transition to Year 1.
To further improve, the school aims to strengthen the quality of teaching and learning by ensuring that the most able pupils are adequately challenged and that phonics skills are consistently reinforced. Additionally, efforts will continue to address the legacy of gaps in pupils' basic knowledge and to improve attendance rates. In the early years, there is a focus on meeting individual children's needs more effectively by leveraging monitoring information.
The governance of the school is strong, with trustees maintaining a clear understanding of the school's trajectory since its academization. They are aware of the inherited weaknesses and can articulate the steps taken to improve the school. The trust has acted swiftly to address areas of concern identified in the predecessor school, and they support the principal in making necessary changes.
Safeguarding arrangements are effective, with a strong culture of safeguarding embedded within the school. Staff are well-trained and know how to respond to concerns regarding pupil welfare. The school has established effective links with external agencies to ensure that pupils receive the necessary support.
Overall, Abbeyfield Primary Academy is a school that is on an upward trajectory, with strong leadership, effective teaching, and a commitment to improving outcomes for all pupils. The school is dedicated to fostering a positive learning environment where pupils can thrive academically and personally. The ongoing efforts to address challenges, particularly in attendance and the consolidation of phonics skills, will further enhance the school's effectiveness and ensure that all pupils receive the support they need to succeed.