Aston Hall Junior and Infant School, located in Sheffield, South Yorkshire, has been recognized for its effective action in maintaining the standards established during its previous inspection. The headteacher, Scott Holmes, leads the school, which is part of the Wickersley Partnership Trust. This trust is overseen by CEO Helen O’Brien and a board of trustees chaired by Steve Calvert. The school has high expectations for all pupils, including those with special educational needs and disabilities. Pupils respond positively to these expectations, demonstrating a strong sense of safety and enjoyment in their school environment. Their cheerful and polite demeanor contributes to a welcoming atmosphere, and they maintain above-average attendance rates. The behavior of pupils is commendable, with clear routines and expectations leading to extremely rare instances of bullying. Pupils feel confident that they can rely on adults for support in any concerns they may have.
The school offers an exceptional personal development program, providing numerous opportunities for pupils to explore their interests beyond the standard curriculum. Older pupils gain independence through residential visits, while all pupils receive first aid training. Leadership roles, such as sports leaders, allow pupils to contribute positively during playtime. This comprehensive approach prepares pupils well for their future, instilling aspirations to become caring members of society.
Aston Hall has designed a broad and ambitious curriculum that is well-sequenced and planned from early years through to Year 6. The early years curriculum effectively prepares children for their next educational stage, and pupils build their knowledge progressively over time. Lessons are structured to revisit and consolidate previous learning, with well-trained teachers who present information engagingly. However, there are instances where the school does not consistently identify and address gaps in younger pupils' letter formation, which can hinder their handwriting development.
In mathematics and reading, early experiences are strong, with phonics sessions ensuring systematic learning of letter sounds. Pupils who struggle receive adequate support to keep pace with their peers. The curriculum is accessible to pupils with special educational needs, with adaptations and adult support in place. However, there are occasions when the support provided is not as precise as it could be, potentially limiting progress.
Pupils report fair treatment and a well-understood behavior policy. They exhibit positive attitudes towards learning, contributing confidently in lessons. While attendance is generally high, the school continues to strive for improvement in this area for those with lower attendance rates. The trust and school are committed to personal development, offering a specific careers curriculum that exposes pupils to various future possibilities through visits from professionals across different fields.
Leaders at all levels share a strong commitment to ensuring the best outcomes for every pupil, particularly those who are disadvantaged or have special educational needs. Staff express satisfaction with their work environment, supported by regular professional development and attention to well-being. The school fosters a culture of collaboration and support.
The safeguarding arrangements are effective, ensuring a safe environment for all pupils. However, the school needs to enhance the mapping and monitoring of support for pupils with special educational needs to improve their progression. Additionally, the identification and correction of errors in letter formation require more consistency to aid handwriting development. Overall, Aston Hall Junior and Infant School demonstrates a commitment to maintaining high standards and fostering a positive educational experience for its pupils.