St Edmund’s Primary School in Hoxne, Suffolk, has been evaluated as a good school following its first inspection since becoming an academy. The headteacher, supported by senior leadership, demonstrates high expectations and a commitment to continuous improvement. The leadership team provides clear guidance and support to both staff and pupils, fostering a positive school environment. Pupils exhibit excellent behavior, showing pride in their school and maintaining strong relationships with their teachers. They demonstrate high levels of care and consideration for one another, contributing to a supportive community.
The governance structure, including locality committee members and trustees, is effective in understanding the school’s strengths and weaknesses. They provide appropriate support and challenge to the leadership team. Staff morale is high, with teachers appreciating the professional development opportunities available to them. The quality of teaching is good and continues to improve, with teachers planning engaging lessons that motivate pupils. Teaching assistants play a vital role in supporting learning, ensuring that pupils receive the help they need.
The curriculum is broad and balanced, offering a range of curricular and extracurricular activities that enrich pupils' educational experiences. Attainment at key stage one has been in line with or above national averages, while progress in reading and writing at key stage two has been average, with some fluctuations in performance. Current pupils across most year groups are making good progress, thanks to improvements in leadership and teaching quality. The school prioritizes the well-being and safety of its pupils, ensuring their spiritual, moral, social, and cultural development is a strength.
The early years provision is also rated as good, with children receiving a positive start to their education. They develop strong attitudes towards learning and are well-prepared for the transition to Year 1. However, progress in mathematics at key stage two has been weaker compared to reading and writing, although recent initiatives are showing signs of improvement. Leaders are focused on ensuring that all pupils, including those with special educational needs and disadvantaged pupils, make good progress from their starting points.
The school has effective safeguarding arrangements in place, with staff trained to identify and respond to potential risks. Pupils feel safe and know how to seek help if needed. The school promotes personal development and welfare effectively, teaching pupils about safety in various contexts, including online safety. The behavior of pupils is commendable, with a positive atmosphere evident throughout the school. Parents express strong support for the school, highlighting the care and dedication of the staff.
Overall, St Edmund’s Primary School is a good school that is committed to continuous improvement. The leadership team is well-equipped to drive further enhancements in teaching and learning, ensuring that all pupils achieve their potential. The school community is supportive, with strong relationships among pupils, staff, and parents, contributing to a positive educational environment. The focus on high expectations, effective governance, and a broad curriculum positions the school well for future success.