Conway Primary School, located in Sparkbrook, Birmingham, has recently undergone an inspection on October 1 and 2, 2024, and has been rated as good across all key areas including the quality of education, behaviour and attitudes, personal development, leadership and management, and early years provision. The school is led by Executive Headteacher Leanne Mahony and Headteacher Rakesh Gunchala, and is part of the Create Partnership Trust, which oversees several schools in the area. The trust is managed by CEO Mark Unwin and a board of trustees chaired by Julian Miller.
The school prides itself on being highly inclusive, valuing every individual within its community. Pupils and staff embody the school’s core values of ambition, resilience, and respect. Relationships among pupils and staff are characterized by warmth and respect, contributing to a positive learning environment. Pupils express satisfaction with the support they receive from staff and enjoy their educational experiences. The school fosters a strong culture of safeguarding and well-being, ensuring that pupils feel safe and happy. Parents and carers are supportive of the school’s ethos, further enhancing the community spirit.
The atmosphere at Conway Primary is purposeful, with pupils demonstrating focus and a strong desire to learn. Teachers maintain calm interactions with pupils, helping them regain focus when needed. During social times, pupils engage with one another in a calm and orderly manner, knowing whom to approach for support regarding any concerns. The school emphasizes personal development, teaching pupils about health and well-being, and providing various leadership roles such as class ambassadors and eco warriors. Enrichment clubs, including a multi-sports club, are offered throughout the year, enhancing the overall educational experience.
Despite the positive aspects, the school acknowledges areas for improvement. Following significant staffing changes, including the appointment of a new executive headteacher and head of school, the school is focused on raising expectations in learning, behaviour, and attendance. While the school effectively identifies key knowledge in subjects like reading, phonics, and mathematics, some areas of learning require further development. For instance, in mathematics, there is a need to enhance pupils’ problem-solving and reasoning skills. Additionally, some pupils may not be sufficiently challenged across the curriculum, which can hinder their potential.
The school has implemented effective strategies for assessing pupils’ learning, but there are instances where understanding is not consistently checked, leading to gaps in knowledge. In early years, while children receive a positive start, they lack sufficient opportunities to practice and apply their learning independently due to misalignment with the planned curriculum. The school is committed to ensuring that all pupils have the chance to deepen their knowledge and skills.
Conway Primary School has a strong focus on reading, with effective interventions in place to support pupils, including those with special educational needs and disabilities. The school analyzes attendance trends and provides support to improve attendance rates. The well-being of pupils is prioritized, with a well-planned personal, social, health, and economic curriculum that addresses important topics such as online safety and positive relationships.
Overall, Conway Primary School demonstrates a commitment to providing a supportive and enriching educational environment. The leadership team is dedicated to continuous improvement, ensuring that all pupils have the opportunity to succeed and thrive in their learning journey. The school’s ethos and community involvement contribute to a positive atmosphere where pupils can develop academically and personally.