Minerva Primary School in Taunton, Somerset, underwent an inspection on November 29 and 30, 2022, resulting in an overall effectiveness rating of Requires Improvement. The quality of education was also rated as Requires Improvement, while behaviour and attitudes, as well as personal development, were rated as Good. Leadership and management, along with early years provision, were similarly rated as Requires Improvement. This inspection followed a previous grade of Inadequate.
Pupils at Minerva Primary School express pride in their school and demonstrate positive attitudes towards learning. They are encouraged by staff to persevere through challenges, fostering resilience. The school promotes values of courage, compassion, and collaboration, which pupils understand and remember. They feel safe and supported, with adults available to address any concerns. Parents report that their children are happy and enjoy attending school, contributing to regular attendance. Pupils engage in physical and mental health activities, such as the daily mile, and appreciate the variety of after-school clubs available, including netball and chess. Older pupils value opportunities for responsibility, serving as monitors and councillors.
While leaders are ambitious for pupil learning, their ambitions are not fully realized across all subjects. Gaps in knowledge exist in the wider curriculum, particularly for some pupils with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND), who do not achieve their full potential. The school has developed a well-sequenced curriculum in English and mathematics, identifying essential knowledge for pupils from Nursery to Year 6. High-quality texts are introduced early, and staff effectively match books to learning activities. The phonics programme is implemented successfully, with pupils demonstrating secure phonic knowledge and reading skills.
However, the same level of clarity and structure is not present in the wider curriculum. Subject leadership is underdeveloped, leading to unclear content and unsuitable learning activities in some areas. For instance, Year 1 pupils are introduced to compass points before mastering foundational vocabulary related to position and direction. This lack of clarity hinders pupils' ability to achieve intended learning outcomes and retain knowledge over time.
In core subjects, teachers effectively identify when pupils require additional support, providing timely interventions through regular phonics practice and targeted sessions. However, leaders lack awareness of knowledge gaps in some wider curriculum subjects. In early years, staff do not adequately consider children's starting points, resulting in increasing gaps in knowledge and misconceptions.
Most pupils with SEND have individual targets reflecting their needs, but some targets lack precision, leading to ineffective teaching and resource allocation. Staff maintain high expectations for behaviour, and pupils navigate the school calmly. Some require additional support to manage their feelings, which is provided through the school's nurture provision.
Leaders prioritize pupil well-being and personal development, planning activities that foster life skills. Pupils learn about fair play and respect, gaining knowledge of diverse cultures and religions. The school's engagement with families and the local community is a strength, contributing to improved attendance and safety awareness.
Leaders, including trustees, recognize the school's strengths and areas for improvement, welcoming external support to enhance their effectiveness. Staff feel valued and appreciated, contributing to a positive school environment. Safeguarding arrangements are effective, with appropriate checks and training in place to ensure pupil safety. Pupils are educated on online safety and express feeling secure in their school environment.
To improve, leaders must identify essential knowledge in foundation subjects, ensuring that teachers can plan effective learning experiences. Additionally, targets for pupils with SEND need to be precise, and subject leaders should be equipped to support teachers in enhancing educational standards across all subjects.