Ide Primary School, located in Exeter, Devon, has recently undergone its first inspection since becoming an academy. The inspection took place on November 29 and 30, 2023, and the overall effectiveness of the school was rated as good across all areas, including the quality of education, behaviour and attitudes, personal development, leadership and management, and early years provision. The headteacher, Alice Purcell, leads the school, which is part of the Exeter Learning Academy Trust, overseen by CEO Rachel Shaw and a board of trustees chaired by Suzannah Curtis.
The school community, including pupils and staff, expresses pride in being part of Ide Primary School, which parents describe as a small school with a big heart. Pupils feel valued, stating that everyone has a voice and a place within the school. Attendance is high, and pupils demonstrate happiness in their school environment. The school maintains high expectations for all students, instilling its values from the early years, where teamwork is emphasized. During lessons, pupils are focused and successful, and they enjoy harmonious social interactions during breaks.
Ide Primary School prepares its pupils well for life beyond the school, fostering respect for diversity and curiosity about the world. Pupils learn to keep themselves safe, including online safety, and they trust adults to support them with any concerns, contributing to a sense of safety within the school. The school offers numerous opportunities for pupils to engage in wider experiences, emphasizing the importance of responsible citizenship. Activities such as singing in the local memorial hall are particularly enjoyed by the students.
The school demonstrates a strong commitment to aspirational learning, starting in the Nursery Year, where children learn essential skills such as questioning, taking turns, and perseverance. This foundation supports the development of resilient and independent learners. A significant focus on communication and language skills lays the groundwork for reading, which is prioritized from Reception Year through Key Stage 1. Staff exhibit strong subject knowledge and quickly identify pupils who may need additional support, ensuring they can catch up effectively. The reading materials provided align with the sounds pupils are learning, enhancing their fluency and accuracy.
While the curriculum is ambitious, there are areas for improvement. In some subjects, the school has not clearly defined the specific knowledge that pupils should acquire over time, leading to gaps in their understanding. For instance, in history, pupils struggle to recall information about previously studied periods. Additionally, some subject leaders are new to their roles and lack a comprehensive understanding of how assessment informs curriculum design, which can hinder addressing knowledge gaps.
The school places a strong emphasis on the wider development of pupils, teaching them about respect, boundaries, and healthy relationships. Lessons are generally calm and purposeful, fostering an environment conducive to learning. Pupils learn about world faiths and cultures, understanding the significance of tolerance and acceptance. They can articulate the impact of historical events and different leadership styles, and they take pride in their leadership roles within the school.
The school provides various extracurricular opportunities, including clubs that promote physical fitness and well-being. Inspiring visitors enhance the learning experience by sharing their achievements with the pupils. The safeguarding arrangements at Ide Primary School are effective, ensuring a safe environment for all students.
To improve further, the school needs to identify and embed key knowledge in subjects where this is currently lacking. Additionally, better utilization of assessment information is necessary to inform curriculum design and address gaps in pupils' knowledge. Overall, Ide Primary School is a supportive and nurturing environment that prioritizes the holistic development of its pupils while striving for continuous improvement in educational outcomes.