Chesterfield Primary School, located in Enfield, has undergone significant improvements since its previous inspection, which rated it as requiring improvement. The recent inspection in November 2022 resulted in an overall effectiveness rating of good, reflecting the positive changes implemented by school leaders. The school is characterized by a warm and welcoming atmosphere, where pupils greet visitors with friendly smiles. Leaders have made concerted efforts to engage parents and carers, providing numerous opportunities for them to understand the school's work and the improvements made over the past three years.
The quality of education at Chesterfield Primary School is rated as good, with a well-organized curriculum that allows pupils to develop their skills and interests. The school library has been refreshed, encouraging pupils to make adventurous reading choices inspired by the books read by their teachers. High expectations for behavior and academic performance are evident, with staff effectively motivating pupils to attend school and engage in their learning. Teachers create interesting and relevant lessons, valuing pupils' opinions and fostering a sense of belonging.
Pupils feel safe at school and are confident in voicing their concerns. The school has established thorough procedures for addressing bullying, ensuring that incidents are recorded and followed up to promote a safe environment. The leadership team has set ambitious goals for pupil learning from the early years onward, with subject leaders effectively identifying areas for improvement in the curriculum. Staff are clear about what is to be taught and in what order, which enhances the overall learning experience.
Teachers are adept at identifying gaps in pupils' knowledge and understanding, providing additional support when necessary. The school invests in developing teachers' subject knowledge through extensive training programs. However, in some subjects where the curriculum has been recently revised, further training is needed to deepen teachers' expertise. The school has a rigorous assessment process in place to identify pupils who may be falling behind, particularly in reading, and provides targeted support to help them catch up.
Pupils with special educational needs and disabilities benefit from effective adaptations to lessons, ensuring they learn the same content as their peers. The school promotes cultural experiences through music, art, and literature, systematically integrating these opportunities into the wider curriculum. Pupils' character development is prioritized, with lessons designed to inspire them to believe in their potential for future success. The school emphasizes respect for diverse opinions, fostering a mature and independent student body.
Behavior in the school is generally good, with teachers setting clear expectations at the start of each lesson. Disruptions are rare, and children in the early years quickly adapt to daily routines. Leaders and governors are attentive to staff well-being, providing support to ensure a manageable workload. The safeguarding arrangements are effective, with clear systems in place for identifying and addressing concerns. Staff receive quality training to help them manage safeguarding issues, and pupils feel that their safety is a priority.
While the school has made significant strides, there are areas for improvement. Leaders need to ensure that all subjects are implemented effectively across the school, particularly where recent curriculum revisions have occurred. Overall, Chesterfield Primary School demonstrates a commitment to providing a high-quality education and fostering a supportive environment for all pupils.